last out
last rites
last thing
last thing (at night)
last thing at night
latchkey kid
latch on
latch on to
latch on (to sb/sth)
get sth in one
get sth into gear
get sth into the head
get sth moving
get sth off
get sth off one’s hands
get (sth) off the ground
get sth off your chest
get sth out
get sth out of
get sth out of sb
get sth out of sb/sth
get sth out of the way
get sth out of your system
get sth over (with)
get (sth) rolling
get sth round
get sth straight
get (sth)through
get sth through (sth)
get sth together
get sth wrong
get sth↔across (to sb)
get sth↔back
get sth↔down
get sth↔in
get sth↔out
get sth↔over (to sb)
get sth ↔ together
get sth↔up
get stuck in
get stuck in / get stuck into sth
get stuck into sth
get stuck in(或into)
get stuffed
get / take a free ride
get / take a grip on yourself
get/take a grip (on yourself)
get/take a rise out of
get / take / demand etc your pound of flesh
get, take, etc. a free ride
get/take/have the measure of sb
get/take the hump
get/take the measure of
(get/take your) hands off (sth/sb)
(get) ten out of ten (for sth)
get the best of
get the best of the bargain
get the best of the quarrel
get the better of
get the better of/best of
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