短语 |
bows |
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Bow[bəu]bow1[bəu]- n.
- 弯曲物,弓形物,弧状物;弯曲(或弓形)部分
- 曲线;弯,弯曲
- 弓
- 弓手,弓箭手,射箭手(= bowman1)
- (小提琴等弦乐器的)弓,琴弓
- (小提琴等的)拉弓,运弓,(琴弓的)一拉
- 蝴蝶结,蝴蝶结领结,蝶形领结(= bowtie);环形装饰结
- [美国英语]眼镜框;眼镜脚
- [美国英语]
- (剪刀等的)金属环状柄
- (钥匙的)把柄
- (怀表上系表链的)金属环
- (桶、壶等的)圆形拎环
- 【建筑学】凸肚窗,圆肚窗(= bow window)
- = saddlebow
- = bow trolley
- (彩)虹(=rainbow)
- [方言] = oxbow
- adj.
- vt.
- vi.
- 短语:
- A bow long bent at last waxes weak. (或 A bow long bent grows weak.) [谚语]常拉满弓弓无力。(比喻指)久张必弛,久习则惯。
- bend the bow of Ulysses 执行非常艰巨的任务[来自神话]
- bend the (或a) long bow = pull the (或a) long bow
- draw a bow at venture
- 乱猜,瞎碰,企图侥幸[来自《圣经》]
- 突然袭击
- 无目的地评论
- Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed. [谚语]箭没搭好别拉弓。(或:三思而后行。)
- draw the (或 a) long bow = pull the (或 a) long bow
- have two strings (或 many strings 或 more than one string) to one's bow 见 string
- pull the (或 a) long bow [口语] 夸大其词,夸口,吹牛,说大话
- shoot in another's bow 不干本行,干别人的行业
bow2[bau]- vi.
- 鞠躬(表示赞同、问候):
to bow before a king 向国王鞠躬致敬 to bow politely to one's guests 向宾客彬彬有礼地行礼 - 点头,弯腰,躬身,屈膝,下跪(以示尊敬、同意、招呼、礼拜等),点头表示同意,首肯,俯首赞成:
The prince bowed and kissed her hand. 王子弯腰吻她的手。 They were bowing as the king and queen walking in. 当国王和王后进来时他们屈膝致敬。 - 欠身;俯身:
He bowed to the Queen before speaking. 他说话之前向女王欠身。 - (对权威)服从,屈从,屈服;让步,认输;在比赛中遭到失败:
You'll have to bow to the inevitable. 你将不得不向不可避免的事态低头。 She expects me to bow down to her and do everything she tells me. 她期待我服从她,做她所告诉我的一切事情。 - [方言、古语](向下)弯曲,成曲线:
The pines bowed low in the storm. 在风暴中松树低垂。
- vt.
- 低头,点头(以示尊敬、祈祷、羞愧等),点(头)致意;欠(身);屈(膝);使鞠躬,使欠身:
The king bowed his head to the crowd. 国王点头向群众致意。 He bowed his head in shame and sadness. 他羞愧和悲伤得低下了头。 She knelt down and bowed her head in prayer. 她下跪并低头祈祷。 - 鞠躬(或欠身、俯首、低头)表示(同意、感谢等):
to bow one's thank 点头致谢 - 以鞠躬(或点头等)方式引领,鞠躬引领(宾客等),毕恭毕敬地送(客),(常与in或out连用):
The guests were bowed in by the usher. 引座员恭敬地引宾客入内。 They were bowed out by the footman. 他们由男仆毕恭毕敬地送出去。 - 使屈服,使让步,使顺从:
We can never bow the neck to the invaders. 我们决不能向侵略者低头。 - 压弯,压倒,压垮;使俯下,使弯腰(down):
Age had bowed his head. 他因年迈而垂头。 Her back was bowed with age. 她因年老而驼背。 - [方言、古语]使弯曲,使成曲线
- n.
- 鞠躬,点头,首肯;低头;欠身,弯腰(表示尊敬、问候等)
- 短语:
- Better bow than break. [谚语]宁可委曲求全,也不可毁了自己。
- bow and scrape 打躬作揖,奴颜婢膝,点头哈腰;过分恭敬;奉承,巴结
- bow down in the house of Rimmon 为求一致而牺牲自己的原则;为保全面子而做明知故犯的事情[源出《圣经》列王纪下第5章第18节。里蒙(Rimmon)系统辖风暴的巴比伦之神]
- bow to necessity 屈服于需要;做不得不做的事
- make a bow 鞠躬
- make one's bow
- (尤指点头致意地)走进,进入
- 正式进入;开始(经历等);(政治家、演员等)初次在公众前露面,首次登台演出,首次公开出现;向听众(或观众)行礼
- 鞠躬而退,退离舞台,退场,正式引退(如退出舞台或社会生活)
- scrape a bow 打躬作揖,深施一礼
- take a bow 鞠躬答礼;答谢,谢幕(演出结束时)站起来(或走上台或鞠躬)以接受观众的鼓掌(或赞词等)
bow3[bau]- n.
- [常作复数]【船舶学】船头,船首,艏,舰首;飞艇的前缘部分
- 【航空学】机头(飞机的前缘部分)
- 【船舶学】船头的一侧;艏的两侧 b)船头部分的外侧面 c)船首方向(左右45度范围之内)
- (舢板的)头桨,前桨;头桨手(= bow oar)
- adj.
- 短语:
- a shot across the bows 警告[见 shot²]
- be down by the bow 【航海学】船头沉入水中;在沉没中
- be up in the bows [口语]被激怒的
- bows on (船等)头向前;船头转向目标
- bows under (船等)头部没入水中;困难地行进
- by the bows 【航海学】船头沉入水中,在沉没中[亦作 be down by the bows]
- in bows
- on the bow 【航海学】在船头前方左右45°范围内
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