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短语 I don't know
释义 I don't knowa. used to say that you do not have the answer to a question我不知道,我不清楚〔表示不知道问题的答案〕:•'When did they arrive?' 'I don't know.'“他们是什么时候到的?”“我不知道。”b. used when you are not sure about something我不清楚,我不敢确定:•'How old do you think he is?' 'Oh, I don't know, sixty, seventy?'“你觉得他有多大年纪?”“哦,我不清楚。 六十,七十?”[+ what / how / whether etc ]•I don't know whether to call him.我拿不定主意是否要给他打电话。I don't know that•I don't know that you need a passport for travelling within the EU.我不能肯定你在欧盟国家里旅行要不要护照。c. used to show that you disagree slightly with what has just been said我倒不这么认为〔表示不大同意别人说的话〕:•'I couldn't live there.' 'Oh, I don't know. It might not be so bad.'“我没法在那里生活。”“噢,我倒不这么认为,可能没那么糟吧。”d. BrEused to show that you are slightly annoyed真想不到〔表示有点不高兴〕:•Oh, I don't know! You're hopeless!哦,真是的! 你无药可救了!




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