短语 |
bread |
释义 |
bread[bred]- n.
- 面包
- 膨松烘饼
- 面食,面包制品
- [总称]食物,粮食;(必需的)营养
- 谋生之道,生计;生活
- 【宗教】(圣餐中的)饼
- [俚语]金钱
- [美国俚语、雇员隐语]老板,雇主,衣食父母
- vt.
- 短语:
- ask for bread and be given a stone 求面包而得石头;求怜悯却遇到铁石心肠[来自基督教《圣经》]
- beg one's bread 讨饭,乞食
- bread and cheese
- 面包与干酪;(一般性的)普通食品,家常食品,粗茶淡饭,粗食
- 糊口的方法;生计
- bread and honey [俚语]金钱
- bread and milk
- break and scrape
- 只涂薄薄的一层黄油的面包
- 待遇菲薄的职业,工资很低的工作
- bread and water (diet) 面包与白开水;粗茶淡饭,粗劣的饮食;维持生命的最小限度的饮食(尤指作为对小孩、犯人的一种处罚形式)
- bread and wine 【宗教】圣餐
- bread buttered (on) both sides 安适的境遇,极幸福的境遇,安乐的生活;好运,幸运的处境,鸿运高照
- Bread is the staff of life. [谚语]面包是生命的支柱;人是铁,饭是钢。
- break bread
- break bread with someone 受到某人的款待;与某人共餐;与某人共用圣餐[来自基督教《圣经》]
- butter one's bread on both sides (或 have one's bread buttered on both sides) 左右逢源,同时收双方之利;走运
- cast (或throw) one's bread on (或 upon) the waters 不期望报答地做好事,真心行善不望报[来自基督教《圣经》]
- daily bread
- earn one's bread 赚钱糊口,谋生
- eat the bread of 受到…,遭受…
- eat the bread of affliction 遭受痛苦的折磨
- eat the bread of idleness 坐食;游手好闲
- have one's bread buttered for life 生活有依靠,一辈子生活有了保障
- in bad bread 处境不妙
- know which side one's bread is buttered on 知道自己的利益所在,知道什么对自己最有利,知道该怎么保全自己的利益,善为个人利益谋算[亦作 know where one's bread is buttered]
- make(或 earn) one's bread 赚钱糊口,谋生
- out of bread 失业
- quarrel with one's bread and butter
- set bread 和面使发酵
- take bread and salt 发誓,郑重地发誓
- take the bread out of someone's mouth
- 抢夺某人的饭碗,剥夺某人的生计
- 阻止某人享用快到嘴的东西
- 抢在某人之前行动
- the best thing since sliced bread [口语]最好的东西
- win one's bread 糊口;谋生
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