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短语 blow over
释义 blow over 1. if the wind blows something over, or if something blows over, the wind makes it fall吹倒,刮倒:•Our fence blew over in the storm.我们的篱笆被风暴刮倒了。blow sth ↔ over •The hurricane blew some palm trees over.飓风把一些棕榈树吹倒了。2. if an argument or unpleasant situation blows over, it ends or is forgotten〔争论或不愉快的事情〕结束,被遗忘:•They weren't speaking to each other, but I think it's blown over now.他们以前互不理睬,但我想现在一切都过去了。3. if a storm blows over, it goes away〔暴风雨〕停止,平息,过去 blow over (of trouble) fade away without serious consequences (麻烦)结束, 烟消云散。 ˌblow ˈoverto go away without having a serious effect刮过去了,平静下来(未造成严重影响)The storm blew over in the night.风暴在夜间平息了。The scandal will soon blow over.流言蜚语很快就会烟消云散的。blow over1. pass; vanish 结束;(麻烦、不和等)消失   * The whole affair has caused a lot of trouble, but after it's blown over, no one will talk about it any more. 那件事引起了很多纠纷,但过后便没人再提它了。   * I believe your troubles will soon blow over. 我相信你的困难不久就会克服掉的。   * They had frequent quarrels, but they soon blew over. 他们之间常有争吵,但一下子就过去了。2. stop blowiug(风)息   * The storm has blown over. 暴风雨停了。blow over停息;平息;(风、事件等)被淡忘:We hope that your trouble will soon blow over and everything will turn for the better.我们希望,困扰你的事情很快就风消云散,一切事情都会好转。




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