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短语 Above
释义 Above Above      1.(指位置、高度) 在……之上;高于:No one can climb up this peak,for it rises above the clouds.没有人能够爬上这个山峰,因为它高耸入云。/ Numerous colourful balloons floated high above our heads.无数彩色气球在我们头上高高飘浮。/ A ship appeared above the horizon and sailed this way.一艘轮船出现在地平线之上,向这边驶来。/That small island is one hundred meters above sea level.那个小岛海拔100米。2.(指数量、价格)高于:Applicants for this job must be above the age of twenty.申请这个工作者,年龄必须在20岁以上。/People above fifty or more should pay more attention to their health than the younger ones.50岁以上的人要比年轻人更注意自己的身体健康。/This machine weighs above five tons,so it is inconvenient to move.这个机器重量超过5吨,所以移动不便。/Don’t go out,the temperature outdoors has risen to forty degrees above zero.不要到外面去,户外的温度已经升到零上40度。3.(指地位、价值、能力)高于:Gilbert is above Harvey in his military rank,Gilbert is a major and Harvey is a lieutenant.吉伯特的军衔比哈维高,吉伯特是少校而哈维是中尉。/We must admit that he is above all of us in technical ability.我们必须承认,他的技术能力高于我们所有的人。/That little child is above the average in wisdom.那个小孩的智力超过一般水平。/ Health is above wealth.健康比财富更重要。4.(指荣誉、重要性等)高于:He is a gentleman,he values virtue above life.他是个正人君子,视美德高于生命。/We should put the interests of the public above all else.我们应当把公众利益放在高于一切的位置。/The factory considers the quality of its products above everything.该厂把产品质量看得高于一切。/She values safety above excitement.她认为安全比刺激来得重要。5.(因太伟大、太好而)较……为优;不屑于做:I am not above asking questions.我不是耻于发问。/ You can rest assured that he is above such bad conduct.请你放心,他不至于做出这样的不良行为。/The boy is quite above telling a lie.那小孩不会做出说谎的事来。/ I am not above following your advice.我并不是不肯听从你的忠告。6.(因太伟大、太好而)超越:He is a good youth,his conduct is above suspicion.他是个好青年,他的行为不容置疑。/We often meet with some supernatural phenomena,which are above human comprehension.我们时常遇到一些超自然的现象,它们超出人类的理解能力。/This question is above my understanding,so I cannot answer it.这个问题我不明白,所以我不能回答它。7.(指时间、空间)在……之前;在……之上游:While explaining the problem,the scholar traced back even above the third century.阐述这个问题时,该学者甚至追溯到公元3世纪以前。/There is a waterfall one hundred meters above the hydroelectric station.在水电站上游100米处有一个瀑布。◆本词也是副词,词义为:在上面;在高处;(文章等)在前文They are holding a meeting in the room above.他们正在楼上屋中开会。/ Our superiors never go down to the grass-roots units,they only stand high above.我们的上级从来不深入基层,他们只是高高在上。/ As we have said above,this belongs to the sphere of philosophy.正如我们在上文所述,这个属于哲学的范畴。◆本词也是形容词,词义为:在上的;上述的;前记的Think carefully over the above explanation,you will thoroughly understand this principle.对上述解释加以仔细思考,你就能彻底明了这个原理。/The above statement has been sent to every department concerned.上述声明已经送交每个有关部门。




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