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短语 In
释义 In In      1.表示场所、位置、地点:a.在该场所、地点之中:China is in the east of Asia.中国在亚洲东部。/Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.珠穆朗玛峰是全世界最高的山。/There are innumerable islands in the Pacific.太平洋中有无数岛屿。/ People often swim in the lake during their holidays.假日期间人们常在这湖中游泳。/This is the city in which the scientist was born.这就是那位科学家出生的城市。/It is the only park in the town,so people all spend their summer evenings here.这是该城镇中惟一的公园,所以人们都到这里来度过夏日的夜晚。/ In the center of the universe is the vast galaxy called the Metagalaxy,our Milky Way system is only a small part of it.在宇宙的中心是一个浩瀚的大星系,叫做总星系,我们的银河系仅是它的一个系。b.在该场所、位置上被持着、插着、树立、卧着等:He had a stick in his hand and a cigar in his mouth.他手中持着一根手杖,嘴里衔着一根雪茄。/There are plants and various flowers in the window.窗槛上有各种花草。/ There in the candlestick is a candle which is still burning.烛台上插有一支仍在燃烧着的蜡烛。/She sought her key everywhere in vain,but it was just in the lock.她到处寻找她的钥匙也找不到,但它就在锁头上插着。/That old man is slow in hearing,so he gets an audiphone in his ear.那老人听力迟钝,所以耳中插有助听器。/ A patient is in his bed with his family members around him.一位病人在床上卧着,家属们围在他的周围。2.表示环境、境遇:She lived in a pleasant and comfortable state when she was old.她年老了,过着愉快而舒适的生活。/Everyday after lunch my uncle Charlie would sit in the sun for hours in winter.冬季里每天午饭以后,我的叔叔查理时常在阳光下坐几个小时。/ He went out in the rain to meet his friend.他冒雨出去迎接他的朋友。/ A man stood outside in the cold.一个人站在外面受冻。/Those vagrants had no home,they used to sleep in the open.那些流浪者没有家,他们时常睡在露天。/We lost our way in the dark and did not return to the hotel until midnight.我们在黑暗中迷了路,一直到半夜才回到旅馆。/A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。3. 表示情况、状态:Camellia trees on the cliff are in full blossom now.山崖上的山茶花树现在鲜花盛开。/ She always thinks of her friends whether she is in joy or in sorrow.无论是在欢乐时还是在悲伤时,她总是怀念她的朋友们。/Her heart and mind are now in confusion.她的内心和思想现在都陷于混乱。/Peter has been in a state of collapse since he failed in his work.约翰自从工作上失败以来,意志一直消沉。/ That precision instrument is in good repair owing to careful maintenance.由于细心维护,那个精密仪器情况良好。/ We are in doubt about their motives and dare not believe in them.我们怀疑他们的动机,不敢相信他们。/ The parents are in a troubled state,for their child is ill.父母心情烦恼,因为他们的小孩病了。/They are in a fever of excitement at the good news.听到这好消息,他们非常兴奋。4.表示职业或行为、活动的性质:My friend deals in rice and he is the keeper of a grain shop.我的朋友经营米业,他是一家粮店的店主人。/ He is in shipping business and owns several cargo vessels.他从事航运业,拥有好几条货轮。/Henry is delighted in novels,he devotes all his spare time to it.亨利喜好读小说,他把闲暇时间都用在那上面。/ We should avoid meddling in other’s affairs.我们不应该干涉别人的事情。/Happiness consists in contentment.知足常乐。/ They share in troubles as well as in joys with their friends.他们与小朋友们苦乐与共。5.(指衣物)穿着;戴着:She has been in mourning for many years since her mother’s death.从她母亲故去以后,多年来她都穿着孝服。/Tom is clothed in his best when attending his friend’s wedding.汤姆参加他朋友的婚礼时,穿着他最好的衣服。/A gentleman in spectacles called on you when you were absent.当你不在时,有一位戴眼镜的先生来拜访你。/Mary is dressed in her new black boots because she has an engagement today.玛丽穿上她那新黑靴子,因为她今天有约会。/That unemployed person was in raps,he led a poor life after he lost his job.那个失业的人衣衫褴褛,从他失业以后,就过着贫穷的生活。6.表示时间:a.在某个时间、时期:Life was hard for us in those days.那些日子里,我们的生活很艰苦。/ People all change into summer dress in these days,for it has grown much hotter.这些天来人们都换上夏装,因为天气已变得热多了。/ That student has shown his uncommon ambition though he is still in his teens.虽然那个学生只有十几岁的年纪,但他已经显示出非凡的抱负。/ My teacher retired to the countryside in his old days.我的老师老年时退居乡下。/ He met many famous personages in his time and wrote biographies for all of them.他一生中遇到许多有名的人物,给他们都写了传记。/ Young people vied with one another to go to the front in time of resistance war.在抗战时期,青年人踊跃上前线。b.过若干时间(等于at the end of):I shall be back in a minute.一会儿我就回来。/ Can you finish the work in an hour? 你能一个小时完成这工作吗?/They will return from Beijing in a month.他们将在一个月后从北京回来。/In an instant the magician has changed his flower into a white hare.一瞬间那魔术师已经把他的花朵变成小白兔。/ They make a loan from the bank and promise to pay back in a few months.他们在银行里借了一笔债,答应在几个月以后偿还。/She is a good cook and she can prepare many delicious dishes for her guests in a short time.她善于烹调,能在很短时间内给客人们做许多佳肴。/Don’t worry,I will be ready in a moment.别着急,我一会儿功夫就准备好。7.表示范围、方面:Our country is immense in territory and rich in natural resources.我们国家地大物博。/ My classmate is good at geometry but he is backward in algebra.我的一位同学几何强,代数弱。/ Mr White is remarkable in ability,so he stands high in the manager’s favour.怀特先生能力非常强,所以他得到经理的青睐。/He is indebted to others in a big sum and unable to pay them.他欠了别人许多债,无力偿还。/ Our engineer is an expert in both machine tools and automation.我们的工程师是机床和自动化作业方面的专家。/ Doctor Green is a specialist in cranial nerve diseases.格林医生是一位脑神经疾病的专家。/ People do not show much admiration for him because he is strong in theory but weak in practice.人们对他不太钦佩,因为他强于理论弱于实践。/ Sound in body,sound in mind.健全的精神寓于健全的身体。8. 表示包含、含有:There is ten percent for service in the bill.账单中含有10%的服务费。/You need not pay the postage,for it is in the price.你不用再付邮费,因为邮费已经包含在价格中。/We are absorbed by the speaker because there is something new in his speech.我们被那演讲人所吸引,因为在他的演说中有些新颖的东西。/This young officer had boundless prospects,there was something of a hero in his nature.这个青年军官前途无限,因为在他的性格中有豪杰之气。/That youth has in him the makings of a good soldier,so he has been sent to amilitary institute.那个青年具有成为优秀军人的素质,所以他被送往军事院校。/I think he has a superior element in his composition.我认为他的性格高超。9.表示形式、形状、方式:Helen let the children sit in a circle and taught them how to play hide-and-seek.海伦让孩子们坐成一个圈教给他们如何玩捉迷藏。/Some shops do not accept cheques,they want only money in cash.一些商店不收支票,他们只收现金。/ He often speaks to others in a rude and unreasonable way,even to his own parents.他时常以蛮横不讲理的态度对人讲话,即使对他的父母也是如此。/ I attended the meeting in the capacity of our manager’s deputy.我以我们经理代表的身份参加会议。/ These books are packed in bundles of ten so as to be conveyed conveniently.这些书每十本捆成一捆,以便运送方便。10.表示表达的方法、媒介:He is a noisy young man and often talks and laughs in a loud voice.他是个吵吵闹闹的青年,时常高声谈笑。/ This letter was written in pencil,it should have been written in ink.这封信是用铅笔写的,它本应该用钢笔写。/Mother sang in a low voice so as to make her baby sleep.母亲低声唱歌,以便哄她的婴儿入睡。/His novel was written in French at first,and then translated into other languages.他的小说最初是用法语写的,以后又译成别的文字。/ Sentences printed in italics should be memorized by heart,they may be asked in the examination.以斜体字印刷的句子需要背下,它们在考试时可能被问到。/ In brief,as you sow,so will you reap.简言之,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。11.表示材料:This picture is painted in oils,so it is dazzling beautiful.这张画是用油彩画的,所以鲜艳夺目。/ In the center of the palace stands a statue in marble.在宫殿中央站立着一个大理石雕像。/ That old monument was cast in bronze with a gold horse on top.那个古老的纪念碑是用青铜铸成的,顶上有一匹金马。/The sculptor liked to carve his works in oak so as to show their vigour and primitive simplicity.那雕刻家喜欢用橡木雕刻他的作品以显示作品的雄浑古朴。/ He has an overcoat in leather but he never wears it except in the depth of winter.他有一件皮外衣,只在隆冬季节才穿。/Please pass me the book in cloth,it is my dictionary.请把那本布装的书递给我,那是我的辞典。12. 表示程度、数量:Our factory worked on technical innovation in great strength.我们工厂以强大力量从事技术革新工作。/ The enemy force is two regiments in all.敌军总计两个团的兵力。/Through our persuasion they have agreed to the idea in part.经过我们劝说,他们已经部分地同意这个想法。/ Steel and steel products in large quantities have been imported to that country.大量的钢和钢产品已经进口到那个国家。/He was angry in some measure but did not break out.他有几分怒气,但没有发作出来。13. 表示比率:The ratio is about ten to twenty in a hundred.比率大约是10%~20%。/Not one in ten of the boys can spell well,so we must try to help them.这些男孩中拼字正确的不到十分之一,我们必须设法帮助他们。/People who have received university education is about twenty in a thousand.受过大学教育的人数大约为千分之二十左右。14.表示行为的理由、动机:Mr White and his whole family sing in celebration of their old grandma’s birthday.怀特先生和他的全家歌唱庆祝他们老奶奶的生日。/ He rejoiced in his recovery from a serious illness.他为重病康复而喜悦。/ A poor lamb trembled in horror before a fierce wolf.一只可怜的羊羔在凶恶的狼面前害怕得发抖。/A little child jumped in delight when he saw his mother return home.一个小孩看见他母亲回家了,高兴得跳了起来。15.表示行为的目的:That young man beats a rogue in just self-defence,so he is innocent.那个青年打一个流氓是为了正当的自卫,所以他是无罪的。/His friends entertained him in celebration of his success.他的朋友们宴请他,以祝贺他的成功。/A man was dismissed,for he often acted in defiance of the boss’ orders.一个人被辞退了,因为他时常违抗老板的命令。/ Mary is virtuous,she does everything in obedience to her parents’ words.玛丽很贤惠,她父母叫她做什么,她就做什么。16.表示方向:in this direction 朝此方向;/in that direction 朝彼方向;/in all directions 四面八方17. 表示运动、动作的方向:He dipped his pen in the ink to write his letter.他把笔尖浸入墨水中以便写信。/ A magician put his hand in an empty bag and dragged out a pair of white hares.一位魔术师把手伸入一个空布袋中,拉出一对小白兔。18.表示场合、情况:You can do anything you think proper in that case.在那种情况下,你可以做任何你认为适宜的事情。/Ring the alarm bell in case of fire.发生火灾,请按警铃。/In no circumstances should we invade other countries.无论在任何情况下,我们决不侵略别的国家。◆本词也是副词,词义为:在内;入内;向内We asked him to come in to have a talk.我们请他进来谈谈。/ He apologized and took in what he had said.他道了歉,收回了他说过的话。/Year in,year out,the boy has grown into a handsome young man.年复一年,那男孩已经长成一个英俊的青年。◆本词也是名词:the ins and outs.详细情节。/ You may go and ask him,he knows the ins and outs of the problem.你可以去问他,他知道那问题的详细情节。/ The ins and outs of the event have been published in today’s newspaper.该事件的详细情节已经刊登在今天的报纸上。




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