释义 |
coallesscoal[kəul]- n.
- 煤,煤炭 [参较 anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite]
- 烧成炭的木块,木炭
- vt.
- vi.
- 短语:
- (as) black as coal 其黑如煤,非常黑
- blind coal 无烟煤
- blow at a cold coal 白费力气,做徒劳无益的事
- blow hot coals 怒不可遏,狂怒
- blow(或stir)the coals 煽风点火,煽动,挑拨离间
- call(或 drag, haul, rake, take) over the coals 责备,申斥,谴责
- carry(或 send, take, bring) coals to Newcastle 向煤区运煤多此一举,白费力气,做徒劳无益的事;画蛇添足
- heap coals of fire on someone's head 以德报怨使某人懊悔难堪