

短语 lay siege to sb / sth
释义 lay siege to sb / stha. if a group of people lay siege to a place, they try to get control by surrounding it包围(围困)某人/某物:•The armies laid siege to Vienna in 1529.1529 年,军队围攻维也纳。b. to do everything you can to get someone to talk to you or notice you包围某人〔指企图跟某人说话或引起注意〕:•A group of young men were always at the stage door, trying to lay siege to the girls.总有一群青年男子聚集在剧场后门,想方设法与女孩子搭讪。lay siege to sb / stha. if the army or police lay siege to a place, they start a siege against it开始包围某地:•In June 1176 King Richard laid siege to Limoges.1176 年 6 月,理查王对利摩日实施包围。b. if you lay siege to someone, you do everything you can to try and get them to talk to you〔为使某人和自己说话而〕向某人展开攻势:•Then he set to work laying siege to her with letters.接着他给她写信,向她展开攻势。




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