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短语 break out
释义 break out 1. if something unpleasant such as a fire, fight, or war breaks out, it starts to happen〔不愉快之事〕爆发,突然发生:•I was still living in London when the war broke out.战争爆发的时候我还住在伦敦。•Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out?如果发生火警,大家都知道该怎么办吗?•Fighting broke out between demonstrators and the police.游行示威者和警方发生了冲突。⇒OUTBREAK2. to escape from a prison越狱:[+ of]•Three men have broken out of a top security jail.三名男子从一个戒备极其森严的监狱逃跑了。⇒BREAKOUT3. to change the way you live because you feel bored〔因感到腻烦〕改变生活方式:[+ of]•She felt the need to break out of her daily routine.她觉得必须从日常事务中解脱出来。4. break out in spots / a rash / a sweat etc if you break out in spots etc, they appear on your skin出丘疹/红疹/汗等:•I broke out in a painful rash.我出了疹子,很痛。•My whole body broke out in a sweat.我浑身冒汗。 break out 1. (of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly (战争, 战斗或类似的不受欢迎的事件)突然爆发: forest fires have broken out across Indonesia. 印度尼西亚爆发了全国性的森林火灾。 ■  (of a physical discomfort) suddenly manifest itself (身体不适)突然发作: prickles of sweat had broken out along her backbone. 密密的汗珠沿着她的脊梁沁出来。 2. escape 逃跑: a prisoner broke out of his cell. 一名犯人越狱了 figurative 〈喻〉executives looking to break out of the corporate hierarchy. 指望打破公司等级制度的管理人员。 ˌbreak ˈout(of war, fighting or other unpleasant events战争、打斗等不愉快事件)to start suddenly突然开始;爆发They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939.*1939 年战争爆发前不久他们逃到了美国。Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans.双方球迷发生了打斗。Fire broke out during the night.夜间突然发生了火灾。related nounoutbreakbreak out1. occur suddenly 爆发;(突然)发生   * The Second World War broke out in September, 1939. 第二次世界大战于1939年9月爆发。   * A fire broke out in this hotel last night. 昨晚这家旅馆发生了火灾。   * The economic crisis broke out first in the United States. 经济危机首先在美国爆发。   * Fighting has broken out on the border and is expected to continue until a settlement is reached. 战斗在边界打响了,预料会继续下去直到问题得到解决。2. escape 逃脱   * Three prisoners have broken out this week and are on the run. 本周有3名囚犯越狱逃跑。   * He spent several months in a Nazi concentration camp before he broke out. 他在纳粹集中营里关了几个月后逃了出来。3. show sudden violence in speech or behaviour(言语或行为)突然激烈   * The whole meeting broke out in cheers. 整个会场爆发出阵阵欢呼声。   * She broke out in tears. 她突然哭了起来。   * He broke out:“That is not so!”他猛然吼道:“并不是这么回事。”   * He is liable to break out into furious passions. 他很容易暴跳如雷。break out爆发;突然发生(指战事、疾病、灾害等):A war broke out between two powers,other countries all kept neutral so as not to be involved in.两个强国之间爆发了战争,其他国家都保持中立以免被卷入。




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