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短语 break up
释义 break up 1. if something breaks up, or if you break it up, it breaks into a lot of small pieces(使)碎裂,(使)破裂:•It seems that the plane just broke up in the air.似乎飞机在空中就解体碎裂了。break sth ↔ up•Use a fork to break up the soil.用耙子把土壤弄碎。2. break sth ↔ up to separate something into several smaller parts分拆某物,分解某物:•There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies.有计划要把这家公司分拆成几家独立的小公司。•You need a few trees and bushes to break up the lawn.你需要种些树和灌木把草坪分隔开来。3. break sth ↔ up to stop a fight阻止〔打斗〕:•Three policemen were needed to break up the fight.需要三名警察来制止这场斗殴。4. break sth ↔ up to make people leave a place where they have been meeting or protesting驱散〔集会或抗议的人群〕:•Government soldiers broke up the demonstration.政府军驱散了示威群众。•Police moved in to break up the meeting.警察开进来驱散集会。5. if a marriage, group of people, or relationship breaks up, the people in it separate and do not live or work together any more〔婚姻、关系等〕破裂;〔集会或抗议的人群〕解散:•He lost his job and his marriage broke up .他丢了工作,婚姻也破裂了。•The couple broke up last year.这对夫妻去年分手了。•Many bands break up because of personality clashes between the musicians.许多乐队因为音乐人之间性格上的冲突而解散。[+ with]•Has Sam really broken up with Lucy?萨姆真的和露西分手了吗?⇒BREAKUP6. if a meeting or party breaks up, people start to leave〔会议或派对〕解散,散会,结束:•The party didn't break up until after midnight.聚会到半夜以后才结束。•The meeting broke up without any agreement.这场会议无果而终。7. BrEwhen a school breaks up, it closes for a holiday〔学校〕放假:•School breaks up next week.学校下个星期放假。[+ for]•When do you break up for Easter?你们复活节什么时候开始放假?8. break sb up AmE informalto make someone laugh by saying or doing something funny使某人大笑:•He breaks me up!他让我笑破了肚皮! break up disintegrate; disperse 分散; (使)分裂; (使)瓦解: the grey clouds had begun to break up. 乌云已开始散去。 ■  (of a gathering) disband; end (集会)结束, 解散。 ■  Brit. end the school term 〈英〉(学校)开始放假: we broke up for the summer. 我们放暑假了。 ■  (of a couple in a relationship) part company (恋爱或婚姻中的男女)分手。 ■  (of a radio or telephone signal) be interrupted by interference (无线电或电话信号)被干扰中断。 ■  start laughing uncontrollably 爆发大笑: the whole cast broke up. 全体演员哄堂大笑。 ■  chiefly N. Amer. become emotionally upset 〈主北美〉变得心烦。 ˌbreak ˈup1to separate into smaller pieces粉碎;破碎The ship broke up on the rocks.船触礁撞碎了。2to come to an end结束Their marriage has broken up.他们的婚姻已经破裂。related nounbreak-up3to go away in different directions散开;解散The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock.会议在十一点散会。4(especially BrE)to begin the holidays when school closes at the end of a term(学校)期终放假When do you break up for Christmas?你们什么时候放假过圣诞节?5(BrE)to become very weak变得虚弱;垮掉He was breaking up under the strain.过度的劳累使他快要垮了。6(NAmE)to laugh very hard捧腹大笑Woody Allen makes me just break up.伍迪 · 艾伦令我几乎笑破肚皮。7when a person who is talking on a mobile/cell phonebreaks up,you can no longer hear them clearly because the signal has been interrupted(打移动电话的人)声音不清(因信号受干扰)break up1. smash to pieces; divide into small pieces 打破;弄碎;拆开   * She broke up the glass in her search for money. 她在找钱时把玻璃打碎了。   * He can break up that stone with his hand. 他用手能打碎那块石头。2. end for a holiday(学校期终)放假   * The boys will break up for the Christmas vacation next week. 孩子们下周放圣诞假。   * When does the school break up for the summer holidays? 学校什么时候放暑假?   * We break up on July 25th. 我们7月25日放假。3. end; stop 结束;停止   * The party broke up at midnight. 晚会在午夜结束。   * What time is the meeting expected to break up? 会议可望在几点钟结束?   * He broke up the fight between the two gangs. 他制止了两伙人打架。   * A fight started in that street last night, so the police were called in to break it up. 昨晚在那条马路上发生了一起斗殴事件,人们把警察叫来制止。4. become weak; upset completely (指人)身体衰弱;完全搅乱   * He may break up under all these troubles. 遇到这么多麻烦,他可能会垮下来。   * This trouble has really broken him up. 这件麻烦事确实使他心烦意乱。5. lose or destroy spirit or selfcontrol 精神崩溃(常用于被动语态)   * She was all broken up after her daughter's death, and did not go out of the house for two months. 她在女儿死后精神崩溃了,有两个月没有出家门。6. stop being friends; separate 绝交   * Mary and John were good friends, but then they had a quarrel and broke up. 玛丽和约翰原来是好朋友,但后来吵了一架便绝交了。break up1.破碎;碎裂;瓦解:The man was angry,he flung a cup to the ground and it broke up with a crash.那人发怒了,他把茶杯掷在地上,哗啦一声茶杯摔碎了。2.分开;分解:This long poem can break up into three sections,each has its own particular emotion.这篇长诗可以分为三部分,每一部分都有各自不同的情感。3.(指关系、婚姻等)断绝;终止:As either of the two friends has his own different interest and hobby,which cannot become common,they break up at last.由于这两个朋友各有不同的兴趣和爱好,不能沟通,最后他们的友谊就中止了。4.(学校、学生)开始放假: Our school broke up in December,teachers and students all returned home to enjoy the Spring Festival with their family members.我们学校在12月份开始放假,老师和学生们都回家跟家里人过年去了。5.(人)衰老;衰弱:Owing to toils and troubles all his lifetime,my friend broke up in his old age.由于一辈子操劳,我的朋友到老年时身体衰弱了。




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