释义 |
disconnectivedisconnect[,diskə'nekt]- vt.
- 使分离,使不连接;断开,拆开,切断(电源等),中止(供应电、煤气等),断绝和…的关系(或联系)(from):
He disconnected the television set before fixing it. 他在修理电视机之前先切断了电源。 The electricity company disconnected our electricity. 电力公司中止为我们供电。 - 使(通电话的两者)之间的电路断开,使(电话)挂断:
They disconnected the telephone. 他们挂断了电话。 I was talking on the phone and suddenly got disconnected. 我当时正在打电话,突然电话断了。
- vi.
- 断开;分开,分离:
State your business and disconnect. 说正事,说完就挂电话。 - 退出,退下;隐居,离群索居,过孤独的生活:
When social pressures become too great,he completely disconnects. 当社会压力太大时,他完全离群索居。
- n.
- 分开,分离,断开
- 脱离,脱节
- 【电信学】断线
- 【电学】隔离开关