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短语 bring sb to book
释义 bring sb to book to punish someone for breaking laws or rules, especially when you have been trying to punish them for a long time将某人绳之以法,将某人依法治罪:•War criminals must be brought to book.战犯必须绳之以法。⇒STATUTE BOOK⇒take a leaf out of sb's book at LEAF¹ (2)⇒can read sb like a book at READ¹ (16)⇒suit sb's book at SUIT² (5)⇒a turn-up for the book at TURN-UP(2)⇒throw the book at sb at THROW¹ (26) FOCUS BOOK a book about imaginary events非写实类作品:novel, thriller, mystery, horror story , love story , detective story , whodunitbooks about imaginary events in general非写实类作品的总称:▪ fiction, science fiction , romantic fiction , crime fiction , chick lit informalfamous or important novels, poems etc小说、诗歌等名著或巨著:literaturebooks about real events写实类作品:non-fictiona book that gives information知识性书籍:reference book , encyclopedia, textbooka book about someone's life传记:biography, autobiography, journal, diarysomeone who writes books作家:writer, author, novelista book with a hard cover精装书:hardback/hardcover AmEa book with a cover made of paper or card平装书:▪ paperback




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