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短语 draw back
释义 draw back 1. to move backwards, especially because you are frightened or surprised往后闪,后退:•Suddenly, she drew back, startled.突然,她惊得往后一闪。draw back in horror / shock / fear etc•She peeped into the box and drew back in horror.她朝盒子里看了看,恐惧地往后一退。2. to decide not to do something, especially because you think it would be bad for you放弃,撤回;SYNwithdraw[+ from ]•The government drew back from their extreme standpoint.政府放弃了其极端立场。 draw back choose not to do something that one was expected to do 缩回, 退却, 后退: the government has drawn back from attempting reform. 政府试图改革而后又退缩了。 ˌdraw ˈbackto move away from sb/sth移开;后退He came close but she drew back.他一步步靠近,而她却一步步向后退。draw back1. move backwards; withdraw 后退   * The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. 人群向后退去,给消防队员让出一条路。   * The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them. 孩子们当狗冲着他们叫的时候退了回来。2. be unwilling to fulfill 不愿履行   * The firm has drawn back from its promise. 这家公司收回了承诺。




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