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donkeysdonkey['dɔŋki]- n.
- 【动物】驴 (Equus asinus) [亦作 ass]
- (1874年以来)作为美国民主党象征的驴
- 蠢驴,蠢人,傻瓜,笨蛋;[比喻]犟驴,固执(或顽固)的人
- =donkey engine
- =donkey pump
- [美国俚语]
- adj.
- 短语:
- as stubborn as a donkey (或mule) 倔犟的驴,非常顽固
- like a (或the) donkey (或ass) between two bundles of hay 优柔寡断地,在两种抉择中打不定主意
- ride the black donkey
- talk the hind (或back) leg(s) off a donkey 见leg
- The donkey means one thing and the driver another. 各打各的算盘。
- Two more and up goes the donkey. [以前街头卖艺者收钱用语]再扔两个便士,驴子就上竿了。
- Who stole the donkey? [对破不了案警察的嘲讽语]究竟谁偷了驴子?