短语 |
egging |
释义 |
egg1[eɡ]- n.
- (鸟)蛋,(家禽)蛋
- (鱼类、爬行动物、昆虫等的)卵
- 卵子,卵细胞[亦称作egg cell]
- (鲜的或熟的)鸡蛋
- (鸡)蛋形物,卵形物
- [俚语]人,家伙;东西
- [俚语]水雷;炸弹
- 难堪
- vt.
- 【烹饪】用蛋黄(或蛋白)搀和(或浇盖、调拌)(菜肴)
- [美国口语]向…掷(或扔)(臭)鸡蛋,把鸡蛋扔给…
- 短语:
- (as) full as an egg [美国俚语]烂醉
- as full of meat as an egg 最好的,第一流的;渊博的,饱学的
- as sure as eggs is (或are) eggs [口语]的的确确,千真万确,毫无疑问,肯定地
- a tough egg to crack
- Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. [谚语]今天一个蛋,胜过明天一只鸡。
- break the egg in someone's pocket(或in the pocket of someone) [废语]打破(或破坏)某人的计划
- bring one's eggs(或goods, hogs)to a bad(或the wrong) market 找错了门路(或对象),打错算盘,计划失败,失算
- crush in the egg 在萌芽状态中加以摧毁,在早期即摧毁;防微杜渐,防(患)于未然
- egg in someone's bear [美国俚语]某人的全部奢望;对某人说来好上加好的享受
- egg on one's (或someone's)face (某人的)羞辱(指臭鸡蛋掷在脸上),丢脸;丑态百出,难堪;窘迫,为难;屈辱
- eggs for money
- from the egg to the apple(s) 自始至终,从头到尾(缘起古代罗马人宴会第一道菜为蛋类,末道菜为水果)
- Go lay(或fry)an egg! [美国口语、粗俗语]别管闲事!滚开,别来找麻烦!
- golden eggs 巨大利润
- good egg
- [俚语]
- 好小伙子,好人;有趣味的人;讨人喜欢的人;好东西
- (Good egg!)妙极了!真棒!这太好了!(表示热烈赞同)
- hardboiled egg
- have all one's eggs in one basket 把一切希望寄于一件事上;集中财力干一件事,孤注一掷
- have an egg from the oof-bird [口语]接受遗产,得到一笔遗产
- have egg on (或 over) one's face 丢脸,出丑;形象受损害
- have eggs on the spit 没空,有事羁身,手头有事,正在忙着
- He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens. [谚语]要吃鸡蛋,就不要讨厌母鸡咯咯叫(喻指要享乐就要吃点苦头)。
- in the egg 在初期,在萌芽状态,尚未发展的,未成熟的(常与crush连用)
- kill the goose that lays the golden egg 见goose
- lay an egg
- (鸡等)下蛋
- [口语](常指表演、说笑话等)完全失败,尤指当众出丑
- [口语]哈哈大笑,咯咯直笑
- [美国俚语]掷炸弹
- Never cackle till your egg is laid. [谚语]事未成莫先夸。
- put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一掷;集中财力干一件事;把一切希望寄于一件事上
- set eggs 把蛋放到母鸡体下孵
- suck eggs
- [美国俚语]
- 令人讨厌;很蹩脚
- 动不动就发火;气量小
- [委婉语]见鬼去
- teach one's grandmother to suck (或roast)eggs 见grandmother
- tread(或walk)on(或upon)eggs 如履薄冰;(行动)瞻前顾后;战战兢兢;小心翼翼地行动,谨慎行事
- with egg on one's face (因差错而)困窘,处于困窘(或羞辱)的情况
egg2[eɡ] |
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