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短语 go down
释义 go down 1. GET LOWER 下降, to become lower in level, amount etc〔水平、数量等〕下降,下跌:•His income went down last year.去年他的收入减少了。•Computers have gone down in price.计算机价格下来了。go down by 10% / 250 / $900 etc•Spending has gone down by 2%.支出减少了 2%。2. STANDARD 标准, if something goes down, its quality or standard gets worse〔质量或标准〕降低,下降:•This neighbourhood has really gone down in the last few years.这个街区最近几年确实不如从前了。3. go down well / badly / a treat etca. to get a particular reaction from someone反应很好/不佳/不错等:•His suggestion did not go down very well.他的建议没有得到很好的反响。•The movie went down very well in America.这部影片在美国深受好评。•The speech went down a treat with members (=members liked it very much) .这个演说在会员中反应很好。•The idea went down like a lead balloon (=was not popular or successful) .这个想法没有得到大家的响应。b. if food or drink goes down well, you enjoy it〔食物或饮料〕被喜欢:•I'm not that hungry so a salad would go down nicely.我不是很饿,所以一份色拉就够了。4. GO FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER 从一地到另一地, to go from one place to another, especially to a place that is further south去,下到〔尤指去南面的地方〕:[+ to ]•We're going down to Bournemouth for the weekend.我们打算去伯恩茅斯度周末。•He's gone down to the store to get some milk.他去商店买牛奶了。5. go down the shops / club / park etc BrE spokeninformal to go to the shops, a club etc去商店/俱乐部/公园等:•Does anyone want to go down the pub tonight?今天晚上有谁想去酒吧吗?6. SHIP 船只, if a ship goes down, it sinks〔船只〕沉没,下沉:•Ten men died when the ship went down.船沉了,死了十个人。7. PLANE 飞机, if a plane goes down, it suddenly falls to the ground〔飞机〕坠落:•An emergency call was received shortly before the plane went down.坠机前不久收到过紧急呼救。8. BECOME LESS SWOLLEN 消肿, to become less swollen〔肿〕消退,消下去:•The swelling will go down if you rest your foot.你让脚休息休息,肿就会消退。9. LOSE AIR 没有气, if something that is filled with air goes down, air comes out and it becomes smaller and softer〔充气的东西〕瘪下去:•Your tyre's gone down.你的轮胎瘪了。10. BE REMEMBERED 被记住 always + adv / prepto be recorded or remembered in a particular way 被记录下来,被记住:[+ as ]•The talks went down as a landmark in the peace process.这几次会谈成了和平进程中的一个里程碑。•The carnival will go down in history (=be remembered for many years) as one of the best ever.这次嘉年华会盛况空前,将为后人传诵。11. COMPETITION / SPORT 比赛/体育运动a. to lose a game, competition, or election输掉〔比赛、竞赛或选举〕:•The Hawkers went down 5-9.鹰队以 5 比 9 落败。[+ by ]•The government went down by 71 votes.政府以 71 票败选。[+ to ]•Liverpool went down to Juventus.利物浦队输给了尤文图斯队。b. to move down to a lower position in an official list of teams or players〔在运动队或运动员的正式排名中〕降级,排名下降:[+ to ]•United went down to the second division.联队降级为乙级队。12. COMPUTER 计算机, if a computer goes down, it stops working for a short time暂停运转,死机:•If one of the file servers goes down, you lose the whole network.文件服务器只要有一个瘫痪,整个网络就不能用了。13. LIGHTS 灯, if lights go down, they become less bright〔灯光〕暗下来:•The lights went down and the curtain rose on an empty stage.灯光暗下来,帷幕升起,露出一个空荡荡的舞台。14. SUN 太阳, when the sun goes down, it appears to move down until you cannot see it any more〔太阳〕落下,西沉15. WIND 风, if the wind goes down, it becomes less strong〔风量〕减弱,减小:•The wind had gone down but the night had turned chilly.风已减弱,但晚上更冷了。16. PRISON 监狱, informalto be sent to prison入狱,被关进监狱:•He went down for five years.他在牢里蹲了五年。17. HAPPEN 发生, spoken informalto happen发生,进行:•the type of guy who knows what's going down那种很了解时局的人•What's going down?出什么事了?18. LEAVE UNIVERSITY 离开大学, BrE formal old-fashionedto leave Oxford or Cambridge University at the end of a period of study〔从牛津大学或剑桥大学〕毕业 go down 1. (of a ship or aircraft) sink or crash (船只)下沉; (飞机)坠毁: he saw eleven B-17s go down. 他看到11架B-17飞机坠毁了。 ■  be defeated in a contest (在比赛中)被击败: they went down 2-1. 他们1比2败北。 2. (of a person, period, or event) be recorded or remembered in a particular way (人、时间或事件)(以特定方式)被记录; 被记住: his name will now go down in history. 这样他的名字将会永垂青史。 3. be swallowed 被咽下; 被吞下: solids can sometimes go down much easier than liquids. 有时候, 固体比液体更容易被咽下。 4. (of a person, action, or work) elicit a specified reaction (人、行动或工作)引起某种反应: my slide shows went down reasonably well. 我的幻灯片相当受欢迎。 5. N. Amer. informal happen 〈北美, 非正式〉发生: you really don't know what's going down? 你真的不知道发生了什么事? 6. Brit. informal leave a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge, after finishing one's studies 〈英, 非正式〉(完成学业后)离开大学(尤指牛津, 剑桥)。 7. Brit. informal be sent to prison 〈英, 非正式〉被捕入狱。 ˌgo ˈdown1to fall to the ground倒下;落下;倒在地上She tripped and went down with a bump.她绊了一下,重重地倒在地上。2if a ship, etc.goes down,it disappears below the water(船等)下沉,沉没sink3when the sun or moongoes down,it disappears below thehorizon(日、月)落到地平线下,落下set4if food or drink will/will notgo down,it is easy/difficult to swallow(食物、饮料)被吞下,被咽下,被喝下A glass of wine would go down very nicely(= I would very much like one).喝一杯葡萄酒就太痛快了。5if the price of sth, the temperature, etc.goes down,it becomes lower(物价等)下跌;(温度等)下降fallThe price of oil is going down.油价正在下跌。Oil is going down in price.石油正在跌价。go up6(informal)to get worse in quality(质量)下降The neighbourhood has gone down a lot recently.近来这一带地方已远不如从前了。7(computing计)to stop working temporarily暂停作业;暂停运行The system is going down in ten minutes.这个系统十分钟后要暂停运行。8(NAmE) (informal)to happen发生You really don't know what's going down?你真的不知道发生了什么事?go down1. descend 下去   * Let's go down by the lift. 咱们乘电梯下去吧。   * Go down and see who is at the door, please. 请下去看看谁在门口。2. lessen; be reduced; undergo a decrease; lose value 下降;减少;失去价值   * If the wind goes down, we may be able to sail tomorrow. 如果风变小了,我们明天就可能出海。   * Shares have gone down again by six points. 股票又下跌了6点。   * Prices are going up all the time; it seems they will never go down. 物价总是上涨,看来永远也不会下跌。   * The pictures have gone down in value considerably. 这些画的价值降低了许多。3. sink; set 下沉;落下   * The ship went down like lead. 这只船象铅似地下沉。   * The sun has gone down. 太阳落山了。4. be recorded; esp. in writing 记下   * This day will go down in history. 这一天将载入史册。   * Their heroic exploits will go down in history. 他们的英雄事迹将会被记入史册。   * He will go down in history as a national hero. 他将作为一位民族英雄名垂史册。5. be received or be received favourably 被接受;被赞许   * How did his lecture go down with the students? 他的课学生反映如何?   * The play went down very well with the audience. 这出戏很受观众的欢迎。   * Your explanation won't go down very well. 你的解释不能令人满意。   * Those proposals are not likely to go down with the majority of the members. 那些建议可能不会为大多数成员所接受。6. become deflated; recede 瘪了;消退   * The tyre of my bicycle has gone down. 我的自行车轮胎瘪了。   * The swelling has gone down a lot. 肿消了许多。7. be swallowed 被咽下   * John was delighted that his wife's cooking should go down so well. 约翰很高兴,他妻子烧的菜竟是如此地好吃。   * The pill won't go down. 这药丸吞不下去。8. fall; collapse 倒下;倒塌   * The wall went down with a crash. 墙呼隆一声倒塌了。   * He went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪下来求饶。9. be defeated or overthrown 被打倒;被推翻   * They refused to go down before the invaders. 他们不甘为侵略者所征服。   * Rome went down before the barbarian invaders. 罗马人被野蛮人所征服。10. fail in an exam 考试不及格   * I am afraid he has gone down again. 我担心他又不及格了。11. leave university at the end of a term or finally(大学生)学期末放假或毕业前离校   * The students have all gone down for the summer vacation. 大学生们都离校过暑假去了。   * The undergraduates are due to go down today. 本科生应该是今天离校。12. fall on a scale 度数下降   * On the second day his temperature went down. 第2天他的体温下降了。   * The pressure has gone down. 血压下降了。13. go bankrupt 倒闭   * The company went down only a year after it started. 那家公司办了一年就倒闭了。14. go as far as; extend in time 延续到   * This history book goes down to the French Revolution. 这本历史书记述到法国革命为止。go down1.(价格等)下降;降落:Owing to development of production and increase in supply,prices have gone down a great deal. 由于生产发展,供应增加,物价下降了很多。2.(船等)下沉;(物体)落下:The sun goes down behind the west mountains and little birds return to their nests in the wood. 日落西山;小鸟归林。3.病倒:John is too diligent in his work,he now goes down with overwork.约翰在他的工作上太勤勉了,现在他由于过度劳累而病倒。4.(风势)平静下来;(火)减弱:Through efforts of fire fighters the fire went down gradually and was extinguished at last. 在消防人员的努力扑救下,火势逐渐减弱,最后被扑灭。5.(指故事、戏剧、解释等被听者、观众所)接受;欢迎:In that traffic accident,our pretext did not go down with policemen and we were heavily fined. 在那次交通事故中,我们的借口不被交通警察所接受,我们受到很重的罚款。6.被记载下来:His invention will go down as a great event into the history of mankind.他的发明将作为一件大事被载入人类的历史。7. 到达:He has ever gone down to far-away countries and remote lands in his life.他一生中到过许多遥远的国土、偏僻的异邦。8.离开大学;离开大城市、大地方:After retirement he went down to wild mountains to pass the rest of his life. 退休以后他离开大城市到深山度过余生。9.消退(病肿;气体等):His swollen legs have gone down and he begins to move slowly with them. 他的腿已经消肿,他开始用腿慢慢地走路。10.倒下;垮台:After the Roman Empire went down,many smaller countries began to set up in Europe.古罗马帝国倒下以后,许多较小国家开始在欧洲建立。




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