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短语 each to his / their own
释义 each to his / their own used to say that we all have different ideas about how to do things, what we like etc, especially when you do not agree with someone else's choice各人有各人的想法〔尤指不同意某人的选择〕:•I'd have chosen something more modern myself, but each to his own.我自己想选一些比较现代的东西,但各人有各人的想法。 CHOICE each, every It is often correct to use either each or every, but they have slightly different meanings. 使用 each 或 every 常常都是正确的,但意思上略有区别。 Use each when you are thinking about the people or things in a group separately, one by one.把团体中的人或物作为个体看待时,要使用each:•Each student came forward to receive a medal (emphasizes that they came forward one after another) .每一位学生站出来领奖〔强调他们是一个个出来的〕。•Each time you exercise, you get a little stronger.你每锻炼一次,身体都会变得强壮一点。Use every when you are thinking about the whole group of people or things together, with no exceptions.把一队人或物作为整体看待时,要使用 every:•Every student was given a prize (emphasizes that everyone in the group got a prize) .每一位学生都领了奖〔强调组里的每个人都得了奖〕。•Warm up every time you exercise.你每次锻炼都要做一些热身运动。 ► Do not use each with words such as 'almost', 'nearly', or 'not'. Use every . each 不能与 almost, nearly 或 not 等单词连用,而要用 every:•Almost every window was broken.几乎每一扇窗子都破了。•Not every child enjoyed the party.并非每个孩子在派对上都玩得开心。 ► Do not use each in negative clauses. Use none . each 不能用于否定从句,而要用 none:•None of the answers were correct ( NOT Each of the answers were not correct). 没有一个答案是正确的。Each and every are followed by a singular verb. each 和 every 后接单数动词:•Each item was checked.每一项都作了核对。•Every member wears a uniform.每个成员都身穿制服。Each and every are usually followed by a singular pronoun or determiner (he, she, it, his, himself etc). each 和 every 通常后接单数代词或限定词〔如 he,she,it,his,himself 等〕:•Each component can be replaced separately if it breaks.每一个零件如果坏了都可以单独更换。•Every woman must decide for herself.每个女性一定要自己作主。But you can use 'they', 'them', 'their' etc when you do not want to say whether people are male or female.但如果不想表明谈及的人是男性还是女性,可以使用 they,them,their 等:•Every child has their own room.每一个孩子都有自己的房间。




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