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短语 wait up
释义 wait up 1. to wait for someone to return before you go to bed因等候〔某人〕不睡:[+ for ]•Don't wait up for me; I may be late.不要熬夜等我了,我可能很晚才回来。2. Wait up! AmEused to tell someone to stop, so that you can talk to them or go with them等一等!〔用于叫某人停下来以便和他说话或同去〕:•'Wait up!' he called.“等一等!”他喊道。 CHOICE wait, expect, look forward to, await:Wait means to stay somewhere or not do something until something comes, happens etc.wait 是等待,指留在某处或暂时不做某事,等待某事的到来、发生等:•I'm waiting to hear from Dan before I arrange my trip.我在等待丹的消息,然后再安排我的旅程。Expect means to believe that something will come, happen etc.expect 是预料,表示认为某事会到来、会发生等:•The police are expecting (NOT waiting) trouble.警方预料会有骚乱发生。Look forward to means to be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen.look forward to 是期待和盼望,指对于即将发生的事情感到激动和高兴:•I'm looking forward to getting his letter.我盼望着收到他的来信。 ► Wait is never followed directly by a noun. You must say wait for . wait 不能直接跟名词,一定要说 wait for:•She was waiting for a bus (NOT waiting a bus).她在等公共汽车。In formal English, you can use await, which is followed directly by a noun.在正式英语中,可以用 await,这个单词后可以紧跟名词:•We are awaiting your instructions.我们在等候您的吩咐。 wait up 1. not go to bed until someone arrives or something happens 等着(某人到来或某事发生而)不睡觉, 熬夜等待。 2. N. Amer. go more slowly or stop until someone catches up 〈北美〉(为使别人赶上而)缓慢地走(或停下来等)。 ˌwait ˈup(NAmE)used to ask sb to stop or go more slowly so that you can join them等一等,慢点走(以便自己赶上)wait up1. delay going to bed 熬夜等候   * I'll wait up for you tonight. 今天晚上我不睡觉也要等你。   * I may be late, but please don't wait up for me. 我可能晚回来,你先睡,不要等我。   * 2. stop and wait for sb. to catch up 停下来等候别人赶上去。   * Don't go fast!Wait up for me!别走那么快,等我一下。   * Hadn't we better wait up for theslower ones? 我们是不是等一下后面的人?




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