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短语 fingerers


  • n.finger的变形


  • n.
    • 指,手指(尤指大拇指以外的手指)
    • (手套的)套手指部分
    • 做手指用的东西;指针;指状物
      • 一指之宽,指幅(3/4英寸)
      • 一中指之长(约4.5英寸)
      • [俚语]深度为一指宽的酒(或水)的容量
    • 【机械工程】棘爪(机器的突出部分)
    • (上下飞机的)走廊桥,过廊,长廊
    • 【音乐】弹奏技巧
    • [俚语]扒手;告密者;警察;古怪的人;卑鄙的人;指明受害者的人;向罪犯提供情报的人
    • [美国俚语](分享的)百分之十的赃物
    • [美国俚语]弹奏爵士乐的钢琴师
    • [禁忌语、俚语]向人伸出中指(下流、侮辱性的手势)
    • [F-](因特网)指示服务,查找用户服务
  • vt.
    • 用手指触摸,抚摸,拿,摆弄:

      to finger a piece of cloth


      She fingered the silk gently.


    • [罕用语]顺手牵羊;偷窃
    • [美国俚语]向职业杀手指明(行刺对象);为罪犯提供(情报或被窃对象)
    • 【音乐】
      • (用指)弹奏(乐器、曲调):

        How do you finger this piece?


      • 给(乐谱)标明指法符号
    • (像手指般)伸入,伸展:

      The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky.


    • 指出,指定:

      She fingered a boy friend as one of the killers.


    • 受(贿)
    • [美国俚语]秘密监视;(向警方)告发,告密;向警察指明(罪犯等):

      The police have been fingering him for months.


    • 谴责;指责;控告:

      to finger him for complicity in the crime


  • vi.
    • 【音乐】用指弹奏,用某种指法
    • 用手指抚摸,触弄
    • (像手指般)伸出,伸展(常与 out, across 等连用)
    • 适于手指操作
  • 短语:
    • a finger in the pie 干预,参与(尤指好管闲事)[亦作one's finger in the pie]
    • be finger and glove with someone 与某人十分要好或亲密无间[现代英语更常用的形式为 be hand and glove with someone]
    • burn one's fingers (因管闲事、好打听或因轻率、鲁莽等而)吃苦头;吃亏[亦作 get one's fingers burned]
    • can (或 could) be counted on the fingers of one's hand 屈指可数,寥寥无几
    • crook the little finger = lift the little finger
    • cross one's fingers = have (或 keep) one's fingers crossed
    • dip (或 put) one's finger(s) in (或 into) something 插手、参与某事
    • find (或 put) one's finger on someone's weak spot 指出某人(性格等方面的)弱点
    • finger of God 神功,神力
    • finger (或 handwriting, writing) on the wall 不祥之兆,灾难将降临的预兆
    • give someone the finger [美国俚语]恶意对待某人,亏待(冷落)某人;让某人倒霉,使某人失败,使某人希望落空;占某人便宜;撇开某人
    • green fingers [口语]园艺手艺
    • have a finger in something 插手(或参与)某事
    • have a finger in the pie
      • 帮助做某事;参与某事;与某事有关系
      • 干预、干涉别人的事;染指;多管闲事
    • have one's finger on the trigger 取得对目前形势的完全控制(尤指军事行动)
    • have one's fingers all thumbs 笨手笨脚,手脚不灵活
    • have (或 keep) one's fingers crossed 双指交叉以求好运,祈求吉利;祈祷事态的好转(或成功)[亦作 cross one's fingers]
    • have one's fingers itch 极想(做某事)
    • have sticky fingers 有偷窃习惯,是小偷
    • in someone's fingers 在某人权限之内,在某人掌握之中,听从某人的支配
    • keep one's finger on the pulse of 对…很了解;充分认识到;掌握…的脉搏;掌握…的最新情况
    • keep (或 have) one's fingers crossed
      • 把中指交叉在食指上,求神保佑;祈求好运(或成功)
      • 希望减轻说谎的罪过;[儿语]只是说着玩的[亦作 cross one's fingers]
    • know something (或 someone) as a person knows his ten fingers 对某事或某人了如指掌;知道得非常清楚
    • lay (或 put) a finger on 触犯;触碰;动手打
    • let slip through one's finger 放走,放过
    • lift (或 move, raise, stir, turn) a finger
      • 尽举手之劳,作出努力;帮忙;采取行动[常用于否定,亦作 lift (或 raise) a hand]
      • 稍微触怒(与 against 连用)
    • lift (或throw, turn up,[俚语]crook) the little finger 喝酒;酗酒
    • look through one's (或 the) fingers at (或 upon) 假装没看见;不在意;看不清楚
    • one's fingers are all thumbs 手不好使唤,手指头很僵;笨手笨脚
    • one's fingers itch to do something 手痒,极想(做某事)
    • point one's (或 a, the) finger at 指责,轻蔑地指指点点
    • point the finger of scorn at someone 轻蔑地指点(或批评)某人
    • pull (或 get, take) one's finger out [美国俚语]好好干,认真干;赶快,别再磨磨蹭蹭,别磨洋工[通常用于祈使句]
    • put a (或 one's) finger to one's lips (把食指竖在唇边)示意安静,暗示某人不要讲话
    • put one's finger in another's pie 管闲事,干涉别人的事
    • put one's (或 the) finger in one's (或 the) eye 哭泣,掩面啜泣
    • put(或 dip) one's finger(s) in (或 into) something 参与(或插手)某事
    • put one's finger(s) in the fire 自讨苦吃,因做某事而遭殃
    • put one's finger on 找到,发现;记得;正确地指出(要害、症结等)
    • put the finger on
      • [美国俚语]
      • (向警察)告密,告发
      • 指出被劫的现场、被谋杀的对象等,指出杀人的凶手、犯罪地点等
    • rap someone's fingers (或 knuckles)
      • 打某人的指关节(以前责打学童的方法)
      • 严厉申斥(或责骂)某人
    • shake (或 wag) one's (或 a) finger at someone 用食指点某人(表示责备、警告、威胁等)[亦作 point the finger at someone]
    • slip through (或 between) one's (或 someone's) fingers 从某人指缝中溜掉;错过(机会)
    • snap one's finger at 向…打榧子(捻拇指发响声),对…表示轻蔑;对…置之不理
    • stick a (或one's) finger in the (或 every) pie = have a (或 one's) finger in the (或 every) pie
    • stick to (或 in) someone's finger (钱等)被某人侵吞;(款项等)被某人染指;被某人中饱私囊
    • stir a finger = lift a finger
    • take one's finger out = pull one's finger out
    • the fickle finger of fate 变化无常的命运
    • the finger on the wall 见 writing
    • turn (或 twist, wind) someone round (或 around) one's (little) fingers 左右某人,随意摆布某人;随心所欲地驱使某人(常指子女对父亲,妻子对丈夫等)
    • twiddle one's fingers (因焦虑不安或闲极无聊)神经质地转动两手的手指
    • wag one's fingers at 指责;非难;轻视
    • with a wet finger 轻易地,轻巧地;毫不费力地
    • with fingers crossed 暗中祈求成功
    • with one's finger in one's mouth
      • 一筹莫展,束手无策
      • 傻里傻气;一事无成
    • work one's fingers to the bone 非常努力地工作;拚命不停地干活




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