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短语 By
释义 By By      1.在……的近处;在……的旁边:Tourists often sit by the lake to admire the distant scenery beyond. 旅游者们时常坐在湖畔欣赏远处的风景。/Peasants build cottages by the roadside to keep their farm produce.农民们在路旁造农舍存放他们的农产品。/ Students stand by their teacher,asking him questions they do not understand. 学生们站在他们老师身旁,问他们不明白的问题。/Mother let her child sit by her side and taught him folk rhymes. 母亲叫她的孩子坐在她的身旁教给他童谣。2.经由;沿着:He always goes to work by the nearest way to save time.他上班时常走最近的道以节省时间。/Mary dared not go home by a side-road at night,for it was out-ofthe-way. 玛丽夜里不敢经由小路回家,因为那里太偏僻。/We came by the fields to enjoy the beautiful rural scenery. 我们经由田野而来以欣赏美丽的田野风光。/ He often returns by a quiet mountain path.他时常经由一条寂静的山间小路回来。3. 路过;经过:They went by a large park on their way to the station. 他们在往车站的路上经过一个大公园。/ She was so careless that she went by her father without noticing him. 她如此粗心以致从她父亲身旁走过而没有注意到 他。/ That polite youth never walked by others without exchanging conventional greetings. 那位有礼貌的青年经过别人身旁时总是跟他们寒暄。4.表示旅行、运输所使用的方法、手段、路线、工具:He often travelled by air,for it saved him much precious time. 他时常坐飞机旅行,因为那节省了他许多宝贵的时间。/ They made journey to Europe by Siberia and then went to the United States by Scandinavia. 他们经由西伯利亚旅行到欧洲,然后经由斯堪的那维亚去美国。/We came here by coach because there was not a railway line from there. 我们坐长途汽车来的,因为从那里没有铁路通这里。/Daily necessities are sent to the small island by boats. 日用必需品用小船送到小岛上。/The company sends its goods by post to the customers who do not live in the city.该公司对于不在本市居住的顾客用邮递寄送货物。5.表示在工作上或达到某项目的上所使用的方法、手段、工具:Some of the engines are driven by steam and others by electricity. 一些发动机用蒸气驱动,其他发动机用电驱动。/ He gained his purpose by justified means and not by fawning and flattery. 他用正当的手段达到他的目的而不是靠巴结、谄媚。/They improved production by the application of most advanced scientific achievements. 他们应用最先进的科学成就促进生产。/The gigantic metal statue was lifted and put to its pedestal by powerful cranes. 那巨大的金属雕像是用大起重机抬起放在它的底座上的。6.(指时间)一到……就;不迟于;在……之前:They will return by the end of this month. 他们将在本月月底前回去。/Can you finish the work by Saturday? 你能在星期六以前把工作做完吗? / These students will have studied three subjects by the end of this term. 到本学期结束时学生们将学完三门学科。/By the time our letter reaches him,he may have left home. 当我们的信到达他那里时,他可能已经离家了。7. 在……期间(表示动作的环境):He likes to go fishing on the seashore by moonlight.他喜欢在月光下在海边钓鱼。/ We prefer to take train by night when we travel in summer. 我们夏天旅行,愿在夜间乘火车。/They went out sight-seeing by fine days and had rest at home by rainy days. 晴朗的日子他们出去观光,雨天在家里休息。/ Smaller animals seek food by night and sleep by day such as cats,rats,while larger animals seek food by day and sleep by night such as lions,tigers.较小的动物夜间觅食白天睡觉,例如,猫、老鼠,然而较大的动物白天觅食夜间睡觉,例如,狮子、老虎。8. 表示动作的情况、方式:The connoisseur saw a valuable curio at a flea market by chance.那位鉴赏家在一个旧货市场偶然看到一个有价值的古董。/You might cut yourself by accident,you would not do it on purpose.你可能意外地割伤自己,而不会故意地割伤自己。/As he went out at midnight,he was nearly taken to be a thief by mistake. 由于他半夜出去,几乎被误认为是盗贼。/He often has a walk along the mountain path by himself in the evening. 他时常在晚上沿山间小径独自一人散步。9.被;为(用于被动语态):A chubby baby is praised by his mother for imitating his senile grandpa walking.一个圆胖的婴儿,因模仿他那老态龙钟的爷爷走路而被妈妈夸奖。/That outstanding service was rendered not by a single man but by the masses.那件大功劳不是某一个人立的,而是群众立的。/ His foreign language was taught by a foreign businessman. 他的外语是一个外国商人教的。/ The magnificent arch in the front is supported by many massive granite pillars. 正前面的那个宏伟的拱门是由许多花岗岩巨柱所支撑。10.表示身体被抓、握、接触的部分:While passing a bridge,we led the blind man by the hand. 当过桥的时候,我们执着盲人的手引导他。/Two rude people fought against each other so fiercely that one seized the other by the ear. 两个粗鲁的人打斗得如此凶猛,其中的一个人揪住对方的耳朵。/ Mother took her naughty boy by the arm and dragged him home. 妈妈抓住她那顽皮男孩的胳臂,把他拉回家。/ In the boxing match,one of the boxers grabbed the other by the neck and struck him down.拳击赛中,一位拳手抓住他的对手的颈部,把他击倒。11.根据;按照:It is half past five by my watch. 按照我的表现在是五点半。/It is inaccurate to judge a manby appearance,that often causes absurd mistakes. 按照外表来判断人是不准确的,时常闹出荒谬的错误。/By your leave,will you tell me the way to the nearest hotel? 如果你允许的话,请告诉我去最近的旅馆怎么走。/ By article five of our contract,the freight will be paid by the buyer and the insurance premium will be paid by the seller.根据我们合同第五条的规定,运费将由买方负担,保险费将由卖方负担。12.表示度量或价格:This factory buys in raw materials by tons and sells out their product by pieces. 这家工厂按吨购进原料,按件卖出他们的产品。/Coal is bought or sold by tons while wood is by cubic meters. 煤按吨来买卖而木材按立方米买卖。/That company engages temporary clerks by the month when its business is busy. 那家公司当业务繁忙时,按月雇用临时职员。/ They hire a carpenter by the hour to make furniture for them. 他们按小时雇了一位木匠给他们做家具。13.表示相差的程度:Some bombs exploded around me,one of them missed me only by ten meters. 一些炸弹在我周围爆炸,它们中间有一枚只距我10米没有伤着我。/ This wheel is too small in diameter by five inches to be used in this cart. 这个车轮直径小5英寸不能用在这辆车上。/ They arrived at the destination later than I by two days. 他们比我晚两天到达目的地。/ The average temperature this year is lower than that of last year by five degrees.今年的平均温度比去年的平均温度低五度。14. 表示强烈的感情、许诺、祈愿:I swear by God that...我对上帝发誓……/By Heaven! You dare to do like that!天哪,你竟然敢那样做! 15.表示连续:Tears fell down from her eyes drop by drop. 眼泪一滴一滴地从她眼睛里滴下来。/ As time went on,the two young men got familiarized with each other little by little. 随着时间的推移,这两个青年一点点地熟悉起来。/After school,pupils went out of the school gate by twos and threes.下学以后,学生们三三两两地走出校门。/ Through long-period training,these youths have become skilful technical workers by degrees.经过长期训练,这些青年已经逐渐变成熟练的技术工人。16.表示量度、数量:A meeting room 10 meters by 5 meters. 一间10米长5米宽的会议室。/30(divided) by 5 is6. 30除以5等于6。17.表示方位:south by east南偏东;/ north by west北偏西。◆本词也是副词,词义为:在附近;在旁;经过:When we got to the old temple,we saw many old pine-trees close by. 当我们到达古庙时,看到它的近旁有许多古松树。/ Connie often wept tears when no one was by.近旁没有人时,康妮时常哭泣。/When an old lady fell down,we happened to be by,so we helped her up at once. 一位老太太跌倒时,我们碰巧就在近旁,于是我们立刻把她扶起。/ Five years have passed by since we met him last.自从我们上次遇见他,已经过去5年了。




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