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短语 enough said
释义 enough said spokenused to tell someone that they do not need to say any more because you understand the point they are making不用再说了〔表示都明白了〕:•'He's the sort of man who wears a lot of jewellery.' 'Enough said.'“他是那种爱戴许多首饰的人。”“不用再说了。” enough said there is no need to say more; all is understood 无需再说; 一切都明白了。 eˌnough ˈsaidused to say that you understand a situation and there is no need to say any more无须再讲;不必多说‘He's a politician, remember.’ ‘Enough said.’“记住,他是一个政客。”“不用多说了。”




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