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短语 gardens
释义 Gardens BrEused in the name of streets街〔用于街道的名称〕:•211 Roland Gardens罗兰德街 211 号⇒KITCHEN GARDEN,MARKET GARDEN⇒lead sb up the garden path at LEAD¹ (12) FOCUS GARDEN parts of a garden庭园的局部:lawn草坪, flowerbed花坛, hedge树篱, patio露台, rockery假山, pond池塘, greenhouse暖房, compost heap 堆肥处, kitchen garden 家庭菜园 things you do in the garden花园里干的活儿:cut the grass / mow the lawn 除草/修剪草坪, weedthe flowerbeds 给花坛锄草, sowseeds 播种, plantflowers / bushes / trees 种花/灌木/树, waterthe plants 浇灌植物, cut back / prune roses and other bushes 修剪蔷薇及其他灌木, trimthe hedge 修剪树篱gardens pl.a large area of land where plants and flowers are grown so that the public can go and see them公园:•the Botanical Gardens at Kew基尤的植物园




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