短语 | go off |
释义 | go off 1. LEAVE 离开, to leave a place, especially in order to do something离开,走:•John decided to go off on his own.约翰决定自己一个人走。[+ to ]•He went off to work as usual.他和往常一样去上班。go off to do sth•Geoff went off to play golf.杰夫去打高尔夫球了。2. EXPLODE 爆炸, to explode or fire爆炸; 开火:•The bomb went off at 6.30 this morning.炸弹在上午 6 时 30 分爆炸。•Fireworks were going off all over the city.城里到处在燃放烟花。•The gun went off and the bullet went flying over his head.枪响了,子弹从他头上飞过。3. MAKE A NOISE 发出响声, if an ALARM goes off, it makes a noise to warn you about something〔警报器〕发出响声:•The thieves ran away when the alarm went off.警报器一响,小偷都逃走了。•I've set the alarm clock to go off at 7 am.我把闹钟设在早上 7 点钟。4. STOP LIKING 不再喜欢, go off sb / sth BrE informalto stop liking something or someone不再喜欢某人/某物:•Many women go off coffee during pregnancy.许多女性怀孕时不喜欢喝咖啡。go off doing sth•I've gone off cooking lately.我最近对做饭不感兴趣了。5. STOP WORKING 停止工作, if a machine or piece of equipment goes off, it stops working〔机器或设备〕停止运转:•The central heating goes off at 9 o'clock.中央供暖系统 9 点钟停开。•Suddenly, all the lights went off.霎时间,所有的灯都熄灭了。6. go off well / badly etc to happen in a particular way进展很好/很糟糕等:•The party went off very well.派对开得很顺利。7. HAPPEN 发生, BrE spoken informalto happen发生;SYNgo on•There was a blazing row going off next door.隔壁正吵得很凶。8. DECAY 腐烂, BrEif food goes off, it becomes too bad to eat〔食物〕变坏,变质:•The milk's gone off.牛奶坏了。9. SLEEP 睡觉, to go to sleep入睡:•I'd just gone off to sleep when the phone rang.我刚要入睡,电话铃响了。10. GET WORSE 变坏, BrE informalto get worse变坏:•He's a singer whose talent has gone off in recent years.他是位歌手,近几年才气已尽。 go off 1. (of a gun, bomb, or similar device) explode or fire (炸弹等)爆炸; (枪等)开火。 ■ (of an alarm) begin to sound (警报器)响。 ■ informal become suddenly angry; lose one's temper 〈非正式〉突然发怒; 发脾气: if you got in an argument with him he'd just go off. 如果你和他争辩, 他立刻就会勃然大怒。 2. chiefly Brit. (especially of food) begin to decompose; become unfit for consumption 〈主英〉(尤指食物)变质; 不宜食用。 3. informal, chiefly Brit. begin to dislike 〈非正式, 主英〉不再喜欢: I went off men after my husband left me. 我丈夫离开我之后我就对男人失去了兴趣。 4. go to sleep 入睡。 5. gradually cease to be felt 渐渐感觉不到: I had a bad headache but it's going off now. 我原来头很痛, 现在慢慢好了。 ˌgo ˈoff1to leave a place, especially in order to do sth离开(尤指去做某事)She went off to get a drink.她拿饮料去了。2to be fired; to explode开火;爆炸The gun went off by accident.枪走火了。The bomb went off in a crowded street.炸弹在挤满人群的大街上爆炸了。synonyms atexplode3if an alarm, etc.goes off,it makes a sudden loud noise(警报器等)突然发出巨响4if a light, the electricity, etc.goes off,it stops working(电灯)熄灭;(电)中断;停止运行Suddenly the lights went off.灯突然熄灭了。The heating goes off at night.暖气夜间停止供热。go on5(BrE) (informal)to fall asleep入睡;睡着Hasn't the baby gone off yet?孩子还没睡着吗?6(BrE)if food or drinkgoes off,it becomes bad and not fit to eat or drink(食物、饮料)变质,变坏7(BrE)to get worse in quality(质量)下降Her books have gone off in recent years.她近年写的书质量下降了。8to happen in a particular way(以某种方式)发生The meetingwent off well.会议进行得很好。go off1. make a sudden ringing noise 爆发突然的响声   * A bomb went off in the theater. 一颗炸弹在剧院里爆炸了。2. leave suddenly(突然)离走   * They went off without telling us. 他们走时没有告诉我们。   * She went off in a bad temper. 她怒气冲冲地走了。3. cease; wear off; disappear 终止;消失   * The effect of the drug will go off after two hours. 两小时后这药的效力就将失去。4. sell; be disposed of by sale 卖掉;售出   * The goods went off rapidly. 那批货很快就卖掉了。5. become worse; deteriorate 变坏(质)   * I'll complain to the shop; this meat started going off the same day that I bought it. 我要向这家商店申诉,我买的肉当天就变质了。   * You had better put the cake in the refrigerator, in case it goes off. 你最好把蛋糕放入冰箱,以免坏掉。   * The milk has gone off slightly. It must be the weather. 这牛奶已经变质。一定是天气的关系。6. elope 私奔   * He went off with his manager's daughter. 他和经理的女儿私奔了。7. lose one's skill 失去技巧;工作质量下降   * The standard of his work has gone off over the last few weeks. 这几个星期以来,他的工作水平有所下降。   * The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now. 这位讲师以前课讲得不错,现在似乎教学质量在下降。   * The football team seemed to go off. 这个足球队似乎在滑坡。8. fall asleep; pass into unconsciousness 入睡;失去知觉   * Grand father's gone off in the chair. 爷爷在椅子上睡着了。   * He didn't seem to be able to go off, so he went into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. 他似乎睡不着,因此他走进厨房给自己泡了一杯茶。   * The old woman went off into a faint. 这位老太太晕倒失去了知觉。9. lose one's liking for (coffee, beer, pop music, painting, etc. , as a hobby) 不再爱好   * He went off driving altogether after his accident. 那场事故以后,他讨厌开车了。10. become unavailable (water, gas, electricity, power, etc.) 得不到;突然中断供应   * Just as the weather turned cold, the electricity supply went off. 正当天气转冷时,电力供应却中断了。   * The light went off as we entered the room. 我们进屋时停电了。11. go mad; behave in a crazy manner 发疯;发狂   * Poor old Tom went off his head, spent all his money in six months and ended up begging in the streets. 可怜的老汤姆头脑发热了,在6个月内把钱全部花掉,最后到街上去行乞。12. be carried out; take place; proceed 进行;发生;举行   * The party went off without any trouble. 聚会顺利进行,没有任何麻烦。   * She had the operation this morning and it all went off quite well. 她今天上午动了手术,一切很顺利。go off1.离去;走掉:We do not close our shop until all customers have gone off every evening.每天晚上直到所有的顾客都走了以后,我们商店才关门。2.(铃)响:The bell went off,I opened the door and asked my guest in.门铃响了,我开开门请客人进来。3.(食物)变坏:If milk tastes sour,it must have gone off.如果牛奶变酸,那就是它变坏了。4.(指质量、成绩等)变坏;不如以前:When little Gerry grew a little older,he began to like playing too much and his study went off.当小吉瑞长大一点以后,他开始贪玩,学习成绩也不如以前了。5.睡着;失去知觉:Mother puts her baby in a cradle when it has gone off.当婴儿已经睡着了时,妈妈把它放入摇篮。6.(指货物)卖出;卖掉:Fruit and cake go off easily in the Spring Festival markets,for people all buy them as a gift to their friends.春节市场上水果和糕点畅销,因为人们都买它给朋友送礼。7. 进行:Our get-together went off very well except that some people criticized its program of magic.除去有些人批评魔术节目以外,我们的联欢会进行得很好。 |
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