短语 | go out |
释义 | go out 1. LEAVE YOUR HOUSE 离开家, to leave your house, especially in order to enjoy yourself出去〔尤指为了娱乐〕:•Are you going out tonight?你今晚要出去吗?[+ for ]•We went out for a meal and then on to a movie.我们出去吃了饭,然后又看了一场电影。go out doing sth•Liam goes out drinking every Friday.利亚姆每个星期五都出去喝酒。go out to do sth•Can I go out to play now?我现在可以出去玩吗?go out and do sth•You should go out and get some fresh air.你应该出去呼吸一些新鲜空气。2. RELATIONSHIP 关系to have a romantic relationship with someone 谈恋爱,谈朋友,交往:•They've been going out for two years now.他们谈恋爱现在已经两年了。[+ with ]•Tina used to go out with my brother.蒂娜以前和我哥哥谈过朋友。[+ together ]•How long have you been going out together?你们俩交往有多长时间了?3. FIRE / LIGHT 火/灯, to stop burning or shining熄灭:•Suddenly the candle went out.蜡烛突然熄灭了。4. TV / RADIO 电视/广播, BrEto be broadcast on television or radio〔在电视或无线电中〕广播,播放,播出:•The programme goes out live at 5 o'clock on Mondays.这个节目每周一 5 点现场直播。5. BE SENT 被送出, to be sent被送出:•A copy of the instructions should go out with the equipment.设备中应该附一份说明书。•The magazine goes out to all members at the end of the month.月底,杂志会寄给所有的会员。6. GAME / SPORT 比赛/体育运动, to stop playing in a competition because you have lost a game被淘汰,出局:•He went out in the first round.他第一轮就被淘汰了。7. MOVE ABROAD 移居国外, to travel to another country in order to live and work there〔为移居及工作而〕出国:[+ to ]•They are looking for nurses to go out to Saudi Arabia.他们在寻找护理人员到沙特阿拉伯去。8. NO LONGER FASHIONABLE 不再流行, to stop being fashionable or used不再流行; 不再使用:•Hats like that went out years ago.那样的帽子几年前就不流行了。•This kind of entertainment went out with the ark (=is very old-fashioned) .这种娱乐老掉牙了。9. SEA 海洋, when the TIDE goes out, the sea moves away from the land〔潮水〕退落,退潮;ANTcome in10. MAKE PUBLIC 公开, if news or a message goes out, it is officially announced to everyone〔消息〕公布,发布:•The appeal went out for food and medicines.呼吁公众提供食品和药品。11. your heart / thoughts go out to sb used to say that you feel sympathy for someone and are thinking about them十分同情某人:•Our hearts go out to the victim's family.我们非常同情受害者的家人。12. TIME 时间, always + adv / prepliteraryto end结束,终结:•March went out with high winds and rain.3 月在劲风暴雨中结束。 go out 1. (of a fire or light) be extinguished (火炉, 灯光)被熄灭。 2. (of the tide) ebb; recede to low tide (潮水)退去; 退为低潮。 3. leave one's home to go to an entertainment or social event, typically in the evening (尤指晚间)外出(参加娱乐, 社交活动): I'm going out for dinner. 我要出去吃饭。 ■ carry on a regular romantic, and sometimes sexual, relationship 谈恋爱(有时有性关系): he was going out with her best friend. 他和她最好的朋友在谈恋爱。 4. used to convey someone's deep sympathy or similar feeling [用来表示深切的同情或同感] 深感同情; 深有同感: the Englishman's heart went out to the pitiful figure. 那个英国人对那可怜的人充满了同情。 5. Golf play the first nine holes in a round of eighteen holes 【高尔夫】打前九穴。比较come home (见HOME). 6. (in some card games) be the first to dispose of all the cards in one's hand (在一些纸牌游戏中)第一个亮出手中所有的牌。 ˌgo ˈout1to leave your house to go to a social event出门参加社交活动;外出交际;外出娱乐She goes out a lot.她经常外出参加社交活动。godoing sthHe goes out drinking most evenings.他晚上多半在外喝酒。2when thetidegoes out,it moves away from the land退潮;落潮ebbcome in3to be sent送出;发出;派出Have the invitations gone out yet?请柬发出去了吗?4(BrE)when a radio or television programmegoes out,it is broadcast(广播或电视节目)播放,播出5when news or informationgoes out,it is announced or published(新闻或消息)发布,公布,发表gothat…Word went out that the director had resigned局长已经辞职的消息公开了。6if a fire or lightgoes out,it stops burning or shining(火或灯光)熄灭go out1. leave 离去   * Mr. Browder isn't here; he's gone out, but he'll be back in a few minutes. 布鲁德先生不在这里,他出去了,但过几分钟就回来。   * I must go out shopping for half an hour. 我得外出半小时买东西。2. leave home for work 离开家出去工作   * When she was eighteen, she went out as governess. 她18岁时离家当了家庭教师。3. cease burning 熄灭   * The match went out in the wind. 火柴被风吹熄了。   * The candlelight went out of itself. 蜡烛自己熄灭了。4. end 结束   * The year went out, with great achievements on all fronts. 过去的一年以各条战线上的辉煌成就而结束。5. cease to be fashionable; cease to be followed, practiced or accepted 过时;不流行   * Few Englishmen wear frock coats now. They went out years ago. 现在,英国人很少穿大礼服了。大礼服已经过时多年了。   * This expression has gone out; nobody uses it today. 这种表达法已经过时了,现在没有人再用它。   * Short skirts have gone out. 短裙已经过时了。6. be sent out 被送出去了;被发出去   * All the invitations for the party have now gone out. 所有宴会的请帖现在都已发出去了。   * Have all the wedding invitations gone out yet? 所有的婚礼请帖都已发出去了吗?7. emigrate 移居国外   * He went out to Australia about five years ago. 大约5年前他就移居澳大利亚了。   * The whole family have gone out to Canada. 全家已移居加拿大。8. cease to function (usn. in a competition); retire from power(比赛中)被淘汰;辞职   * That team went out in the third round. 那个队在第3轮中被淘汰。   * The president that has just gone out was unpopular. 刚下台的那位校长不受大家拥护。9. (the tide, sea, water) flow back or away(潮、海水等)退潮;退去   * The tide has gone out. 潮水退了。10. be on strike 罢工   * The workers went out in protest against unbridled in flation. 工人们举行罢工,抗议失去控制的通货膨胀。   * They gained some victory in going out. 他们罢工取得了一些胜利。   * The miners went out for more pay. 矿工罢工要求增加工资。11. die 死   * The poor old man went out yesterday. 那位可怜的老人昨天去世了。   * Suffering from a sudden heart attack, he went out in a few minutes. 他因心脏病发作,不到几分钟就死了。go out1.出去;出国:My brother is not in,he has gone out shopping.我的弟兄没有在家,他出去购物去了。2.参加社交活动:These youths are full of vigour,they often go out even at night.这些青年精力充沛,他们时常参加社交活动,即使在夜间也是如此。3.出去旅行:Doris has gone out to Europe,she is to spend her holidays there.朵丽丝已经去欧洲旅行去了,她去那里度假。4.(指灯、火)熄灭:Stove fire went out at midnight and it became chilly in our room gradually.午夜时炉火熄灭了,我们屋里渐渐冷起来。5.过时(指风俗、衣服式样等):Shorter overcoats have gone out now and longer ones come into fashion.较短的大衣现在已经过时,现在时兴较长的大衣。6.(指岁月)过完;终结:Summer went out with hot weather and heavy rains.夏天随着炎热天气和大雨结束了。7.充满同情:Our hearts go out to those who are poor and helpless.我们对穷苦无助的人们充满同情。8.(指妇女)离家外出工作:Women have equal right to go out to work just as men do.妇女和男人有同等权利外出工作。9.公布;发布:A weather forecast has gone out that there will be a storm at night.已经发布了天气预报,今天夜里有暴风雨。10.退潮:It is a rule for the sea to come in and go out everyday.大海每天涨潮退潮,这是它的规律。 |
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