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短语 pull through
释义 ˌpull ˈthrough|ˌpull ˈthrough sth1to get better after a serious illness, operation, etc.(大病、手术等后)康复,痊愈The doctors think she will pull through.医生相信她将康复。2to succeed in doing sth very difficult完成,做成(十分困难的事)It's going to be tough but we'll pull through it together.这件事会很棘手,但我们将协力把它完成。pull through1. help (sb.) to pass safely through a difficulty 帮助…度过难关   * Their courageous spirit pulled them through the darkest days of the war. 他们的勇敢精神使他们度过了战争中最黑暗的日子。   * Good nursing will pull him through. 好好护理可以使他恢复过来。   * The company was in great difficulties this year until a gift of money from the government pulled it through. 今年那家公司一直困难重重,直到政府资助后才度过难关。2. recover from an illness 恢复健康   * He was very ill but he eventaully pulled through. 他病得很重,但最后还是康复了。   * The competent doctor pulled the patient through his serious illness by giving him the best possible attention. 那位能干的医生给病人以无微不至的关怀,使其从重病中康复了。




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