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短语 line out
释义 line out Baseball be caught out after hitting a line drive 【棒球】(因击出的平直球被接住而)出局。 line out1. mark with lines 用线画出   * let me line out the house on this piece of paper. 我来在这张纸上画个屋子。2. outline 草拟   * We followed the plan lined out by the leading group. 我们遵照领导小组拟订的计划去做。line up1. form into a line; form a queue 排列一行;排长队   * The people lined up at the ticket office. 人们在售票处排队购票。   * I hate lining up in the cold to go to a cinema. 我讨厌为了看一场电影而在大冷天排长队。2. take places in a line or formation; stand side by side; form a line or pattern 排队;整队;排列起来   * The monitor lined up his class in the playground. 班长让全班学生在大操场排好队。   * Shoes of various sizes were lined up on the shelves. 货架上排列着各种尺码的鞋子。3. arrange 安排   * Who lined you up to speak at the meeting? 谁安排你在大会上发言的?   * What songs are lined up for tonight's broadcast? 今晚的广播安排了哪些歌曲?4. make ready for action; take up a position, for election, etc.;complete a plan or agreement for; arrange 完成布置;安排妥当;为选举摆开阵势等   * His friends lined up so many votes for him that he won the election. 他的朋友们帮他拉了很多票,所以他竞选成功了。   * The political parties have lined up behind their candidates. 各政党都已摆开阵势来支持他们的候选人。   * He lined up a summer job before school was out. 学期结束之前他已经为自己安排好了一个暑假工作。5. obtain; contrive 获得;设法做到   * They have lined up a lot of support for their candidate. 他们已经为他们的候选人争得了许多票。6. become ready for action; come together in preparation or agreement 联合起来;一起行动   * Larry wanted to go to the seashore for the family vacation, but the rest of the family lined up against him. 莱里想要全家去海边度假,但是家中其他人一致反对。line out1.划线标明;划线标出:Our geologist lined out an area on his geological map and told us to survey the stratum there.我们的地质学家在他的地质图上划线标出一个区域,叫我们探测那里的地层。2.排成行:Children lined out their toy hares as students and put a toy dog before the hares as their teacher.孩子们把他们的玩具小兔排成行,并把一个玩具小狗放在小兔们的前面作为小兔们的老师。




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