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短语 surprise, surprise
释义 surprise, surprise used when saying in a joking way that you expected something to happen or be true不足为怪〔玩笑语,用于表示自己预料某事将会发生或属实〕:•The American TV networks are, surprise, surprise, full of stories about the election.美国电视网播出的全是有关竞选的事,这有什么奇怪的。b. BrE spokenused when you suddenly appear in front of someone who you know is not expecting to see you想不到吧〔出其不意地突然出现在某人面前时说的话〕 surprise, surprise informal said when giving someone a surprise 〈非正式〉(在让别人感到意外时说的)惊喜, 惊喜。 ■  said ironically when one believes that something was entirely predictable 〈讽〉完全在意料之内: we entrust you with Jason's care and, surprise surprise, you make a mess of it. 我们要是委托你照顾贾森, 想必你会搞得一团糟。 surˌprise, surˈprise(informal)1(ironic,often disapproving)used to show that sth is not a surprise to you, as you could easily have predicted that it would happen or be true(认为不足为怪时说)这有什么好奇怪的One of the candidates was the manager's niece, and surprise, surprise, she got the job.求职者中有一个是经理的侄女,结果她被录用了。这有什么奇怪的呢。2used when giving sb a surprise(让某人感到意外时说)想不到吧Surprise, surprise! Look who's here!想不到吧!看看这是谁!




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