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短语 Against
释义 Against Against      1.逆着;相反;反对:We have not heard a single word against your plan among staff members.在职工当中我们没有听到一句反对你的计划的话。/They are doomed to failure,for fortune is against them.命运对他们不利,他们注定要失败。/A small boat sailed against the torrential current on the large river.在大河中有一条小船逆着汹涌的水流行驶。/Things go against the grain of us,we have to give up.事情违反我们的意愿,我们只好放弃。/ Colonial people declaimed against the oppression of the colonialists.殖民地人民谴责殖民主义者的压迫。/ A brave young man swam against the stream to save the child.一位勇敢的青年逆流而上去救那小孩。/ Some representatives were against the proposal at the meeting.在会议上,一些代表反对该提议。2.防御;防备;提防:Passengers in a crowded bus were warned against theft.公共汽车中拥挤的乘客们被提醒提防盗窃。/Chemical plants should take every precaution against fire.化工厂要做好防火的一切预防工作。/They asked the watch of the warehouse to keep himself on alert against theft and other accidents.他们要求仓库的守夜人保持警惕,提防盗窃和其他意外。/ Each time we go out in the rainy season,we take an umbrella with us against rain.在雨季中,我们每次外出都带着伞以提防下雨。3. 冲突;对着……打去:Hailstones beat against windowpanes violently and broke some of them.冰雹猛烈地敲击着窗玻璃,打碎了几块。/A car dashed against the bank and fell into the river.一辆汽车猛撞河堤,掉入河中。/ Turbulent waves broke against the rock along the seashore and sent up a fountain of spray.巨浪在海岸边的岩石上撞碎,激起高高的浪花。/ A large ship struck against a rock and sank soon afterwards.一艘大轮船与礁石碰撞,不久就沉没了。/That ambitious youth struggled against every difficulty on his way to success.那个志向远大的青年,在成功的道路上迎斗每一个困难。4. 以……为背景;衬托;对照:The setting sun glows against the evening sky.落日映红晚间的天空。/ Bright patterns contrast sharply against the dark background.浅色的图案与深色的背景形成强烈的对照。/Lightning flashes brightly against the dark sky and soon a downpour comes down in sheets.闪电在黑暗的天空中光亮地闪耀,不久就大雨如注了。/ This bill was adopted by a majority of fifty against thirty.这个议案以50票对30票的多数通过。/There are one hundred persons present at the meeting against ninety last week.会议出席人数是100人,上星期出席人数是90人。5. 靠;倚:One of the travellers was tired,he leant against a large tree for a rest.一个旅游者累了,他倚在一棵大树上休息。/ She stood her umbrella against the door.她把伞靠立在门旁。/That little child sat on a bench with his back against his mother’s bosom.那小孩坐在板凳上,后背靠在他妈妈的胸前。/ A new cupboard stands against the wall.一个新碗橱靠墙而立。/ He put a ladder firmly against the wall and climbed up.他把梯子靠稳在墙上,爬了上去。6.(与over连用)在……对面;对比;与……相反:My window is just over against a large willow-tree.我的窗户正面对着一棵大柳树。/There stands a little hill over against the park.面对公园立着一座小山。(公园对面有一座小山。)/He lived over against a theatre,its noise annoyed him everyday till midnight.他家面对一个剧院,它的吵闹声每天都烦扰他直到半夜。/The student got eighty marks in algebra over against seventy in geometry.那学生代数得80分,与之对比,几何得70分。/Over against the temple is an old tower which has stood for ages.该庙对面立着一座年代久远的古塔。




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