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短语 walk the plank
释义 walk the plank to be forced to walk along a board laid over the side of the ship until you fall off into the sea, used as a punishment in the past走跳板〔旧时的一种惩罚,逼人走在放于船舷上的一块木板上,直到掉入海里〕 FOCUS words meaning WALK 表示“行走”的词语▪ strollin a relaxed way for pleasure溜达,闲逛▪ wanderwith no aim or direction漫无目的(没有方向)地游荡▪ stridein a confident or angry way自信(生气)地大步走▪ marchsoldiers〔士兵〕行进▪ hikefor long distances in the countryside or the mountains〔在乡村或山里〕徒步旅行▪ tiptoevery quietly蹑手蹑脚地走▪ wadethrough water趟水▪ staggerin an unsteady way because you are drunk or injured〔酒后或受伤后〕摇摇晃晃地走▪ limpwith difficulty because one leg is painful or injured跛行on foot at 见 foot¹ (4) ; footstep walk the plank (formerly) be forced by pirates to walk blindfold along a plank over the side of a ship to one's death in the sea 走跳板(旧时被海盗逼迫蒙着眼在船舷外的一块木板上行走直至坠海身亡)。 ■  informal lose one's job or position 〈非正式〉被解雇。 walk the plank 见PLANK. walk the ˈplank(in the past) to walk along a board placed over the side of a ship and fall into the sea, as a punishment走跳板(旧时强迫受害人在置于船舷外的跳板上行走而致落水)




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