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短语 was / were to do sth
释义 was / were to do sth used when talking about a time in the past to say what happened later后来发生某事〔用于谈及过去的时间,表示后来发生的事〕:•This discovery was to have a major effect on the treatment of heart disease.这一发现后来对心脏病的治疗产生了重大影响。6.a. used in CONDITIONAL¹ (2) sentences about an imagined situation〔用于条件句,表示虚拟的情况〕:were sb to do sth / if sb were to do sth•Even if England were to win the next two matches, Germany would still be three points ahead.即使英格兰队在接下来的两场比赛中都胜出,德国队也还是领先三分。•Were we to offer you the job, would you take it?如果我们给你这份工作,你会接受吗?b. used in CONDITIONAL sentences to introduce an aim when you are saying what must be done in order to achieve it〔用于条件句中引入目标〕:if sb / sth is to do sth•If we are to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.我们要是想把这个企业办好,每一件事情都要认认真真地去计划。




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