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短语 Across
释义 Across Across      1.从这边到那边;横过;横切:The transatlantic liner sails across the Atlantic once a week.横越大西洋的班轮每周横越大西洋一次。/It is dangerous for the children to run across a busy street with no adults accompanying them.没有大人陪同,孩子们横过繁忙的马路是危险的。/Some swimmers can swim across the river three times on end.有些游泳者能够连续三次横游该河。/What is the distance across the city? 从城的这边到城的那边有多长距离? /It is too dark to take a short cut across the fields at night.天太黑了,夜里不能抄近路过田野。/ A large,brilliant shooting star suddenly ran across the dark sky from north to south.一颗光辉灿烂的大流星忽然从北至南划过黑暗的天空。2.在……的另一边;在……的对过:He lived across the river. 他住在河的那边。/There is a theatre just across the street.在大街对面有一座剧院。/He stood across the road and beckoned me to him.他站在马路对面招手叫我过去。/ His office is in the first building across the bridge.他的办公室在桥那边的第一所楼房内。/The tourists can see clearly the old temple across the lake.旅游者们可以清楚地看到湖对面的那座古庙。3.交叉;作十字状:These two roads lay across each other just before the building.这两条马路在这所大楼前面作十字形交叉。/He let the girl stand with her arms across her chest and took a photo of her.他叫那女孩两臂胸前交叉站着,这样给她照了一张像。/ When two lines pass across each other at right angle,they divide the plane into four equal parts.当两条直线成直角相交时,它们把平面分成四等份。/ That peasant fills the bag with grain and lays it across his shoulder.那位农民把袋子装满粮食并把它扛在肩上。/They build a tunnel at the point where the railway line goes across the road.他们在铁路线跟道路交叉处修建了一个隧道。◆本词也是副词,词义为:横过;横切;在另一边;交叉Although the mountain stream is only two meters wide,no one dares to jump across.虽然那山涧只有两米宽,但是没有一个人敢跳过去。/ Children sat in a circle with their arms across,they were playing hide-andseek.孩子们坐成一圈,双臂交叉,他们正在玩捉迷藏。/ Please come across to my office this afternoon.请今天下午到我的办公室来。




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