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短语 Minus
释义 Minus Minus      1. 减去:Twelve minus two leaves ten. 12减去2等于10。/Eight minus four gives four.8减4等于4。2.〈口语〉缺少;无;被夺:That man came back minus an arm.那个人失掉一条胳臂回来。/ He escaped minus his hat and coat.他衣帽被夺而逃回。/This knife cannot cut,for it is minus an edge.这个小刀不能割物,因为它没有刃。◆本词也是形容词,词义为:负的[与plus(正的)相对]:Numbers smaller than zero are called minus quantities such as -5 and -8.小于零的数叫做负数,例如-5和-8。/There is only one digit which has neither plus nor minus value,that is zero.只有一个数字既没有正值也没有负值,那就是零。/When we owe some money to others,it is a minus quantity to us.当我们欠别人一笔钱时,那对我们是一个负量。◆本词也是名词,词义为:负号;减号;负量:Remember to put a minus before the quantity of a negative charge.要记住在负电荷的数量前面加上一个负号。/A number with a plus before it is larger than zero,it is smaller than zero when with a minus before it.带有正号的数字大于零,带有负号的数字小于零。




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