释义 |
lipped[lipt]- vt.
- adj.
- 有唇的;(器皿等)有嘴的
- 【植物学】=labiate
lip[lip]- n.
- 嘴唇
- [复数] 口,嘴;双唇
- [俚语]冒失话,唐突无礼的话;顶嘴;冒昧;无礼
- (吹奏时的)嘴形,唇形;(管乐器的)嘴
- 【动物学】唇;唇状部分;【植物学】(唇形花冠的)唇瓣
- 唇状物;(伤口或峡谷等的)边,缘;(水罐、茶杯等)突出的边缘;(螺丝钻等的)唇;(某些工具的)锐利边缘;锋刃
- vt.
- 用嘴唇接触:
She lipped the cup. 她用嘴唇接触杯子。 - 轻轻说出:
She lipped a few words. 她轻声说了几句。 - [俚语]唱
- [美国俚语]吹奏(管乐器)
- 拍打,泼溅
- [古语、诗歌用语]吻,接吻
- [方言]辱骂
- 【高尔夫球】把球击至(洞穴)边缘(而不入)
- vi.
- (液体从容器边缘)溢出(常与 over 或 in 连用)
- (水)潺潺作响
- 成唇状
- (吹管乐器时)运唇(有时与 up 连用)
- 用唇接触;吻 (与 at 连用)
- adj.
- (双)唇的,关于(双)唇的
- 口头上的;不真诚的
- 【语音学】唇音的
- 短语:
- a stiff upper lip
- be steeped (或 immersed) to the lips (in vice, crime等) 深陷于(恶习、罪行等)之中
- bite one's lip(s) 咬紧嘴唇(以抑制厌恶、愤怒等情绪或表示不快)
- button (up) one's lip [口语]保持缄默;闭口不谈;保守秘密;守口如瓶;不透露风声 [亦作 zip one's lip]
- carry (或 have, keep) a stiff upper lip
- 倔强,固执,顽固;顽强不屈;不叫苦
- 勇敢地面对灾祸;在危险(或困难)面前挺起胸膛;不气馁;不沮丧
- curl one's (或 the) lip 撇嘴(以示轻蔑、讨厌或嘲笑)
- escape (或 pass) someone's (或 the) lips (话)溜出某人之口,脱口而出
- from the lips outward 敷衍地;不假思索地
- give one's lips 吻
- go from lip to lip 流传开来
- hang one's (或 the) lip (因屈辱)撅着嘴;耷拉着嘴(表示轻蔑或不快)
- hang on (或 upon) someone's lips (或 words) 倾听某人,专心听某人说话;洗耳恭听;为某人的口才所迷
- have a stiff upper lip = carry a stiff upper lip
- keep a stiff upper lip = carry a stiff upper lip
- lick (或 smack) one's lips 舐(或咂)嘴唇(表示赞赏、满意或垂涎);发馋
- Lips, however rosy, must be fed. [谚语]再好看的嘴巴也要吃饭。
- make (up) a lip 撅嘴(表示生气、不满、轻蔑等)
- None of your lip! [口语]不许说无礼的话!不许放肆!
- not open one's lips 不开口
- on everyone's lips 大家都在谈论的,大家都在传的 [亦作 on every lip]
- on someone's lips
- on the lips of
- one's lips are sealed 闭口不言,守口如瓶,保守秘密;保持缄默
- pass someone's lips
- (饮食等)入某人之口,被某人吃(或喝掉)
- (话)被某人脱口说出
- pay (或 give) lip service to 口头上答应(承认或赞成),对…假装信奉,对…口惠而实不至
- put (或 lay) a (或 one's) finger to one's lips 把食指搁在唇上(叫人安静)
- Read my lips. [美国俚语]听不懂我的话就好好看着我的嘴唇,动动脑筋。(或:听清楚,别误解,我会对你说个一清二楚。)[亦作 Can you read lips?]
- read someone's lips (像读唇似的) 揣摩某人口气
- refuse to open one's lip 拒绝开口,不肯说出
- ripe lips 红而丰润的嘴唇
- rush to one's lips (话)一起涌到嘴边
- seal someone's lips 封住某人的嘴巴,禁止某人说出某事
- shoot out one's (或 the) lip 撅嘴(以示轻蔑等)
- smack one's lips =lip one's lips
- steeped to the lips in 深陷于…之中
- white at the lips 气得(或吓得)嘴唇发白
- zip one's lip =button (up) one's lip
- Zip your lips! [美国俚语]闭嘴!住口!