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短语 move off
释义 move off especially BrEif a vehicle or group of people moves off, it starts to leave〔车辆或人群〕离开,出发,启程:•Always check behind the car before you move off.启动时一定要看看车的后面。ˌmove ˈoff(especially of a vehicle尤指交通工具)to start moving; to leave启动;离去move off1. depart(开始)离开   * The troops moved off at dawn. 部队在黎明时出发了。   * The train moved off. 火车开动了。2. be sold rapidly 畅销   * The first edition moved off within a week. 第1版不到一星期就销完了。3. die 死   * Whether from the fall or the fright, the Major moved off in a month. 也不知道由于跌倒还是由于惊吓,少校不到一个月就死了。move off1.离去;走掉:When the guard blew his whistle the train moved off at once.当列车长吹哨时,火车立即开走了。2.(货物)畅销:Marine products move off in food markets because they are just in season.海货在菜市场畅销,因为它现在正当时令。




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