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短语 finish off
释义 finish off 1. finish sth ↔ off to complete the last part of something that you are doing对某事物作最后加工:•It'll take me a couple of hours to finish this job off.我还要几个小时才能完成这项工作。2. finish sth ↔ off to use or eat all of something, so there is none left用完某物; 吃完某物:•Who finished off the cake?谁把蛋糕吃光了?3. to complete an event, performance, piece of work etc by doing one final thing结束〔事件、演出、一项工作等〕:[+ with ]•We'll finish off with a track from Adam's new album.我们将播放亚当新专辑中的一首歌作为结束。finish sth ↔ off •She finished off her speech by thanking her sponsors.她最后向她的赞助人表示感谢,结束了演讲。finish off / finish sth ↔ off by doing sth •Finish off by cleaning the monitor and the keyboard.最后要清洁显示器和键盘。4. finish sb / sth ↔ off to kill a person or animal when they are already weak or wounded结束某人/某物的生命〔指本已虚弱或受伤的人或动物〕5. finish sb ↔ off to take away all of someone's strength, energy etc耗尽某人的精力,使某人精疲力竭,累垮某人finish off1.结束;完成;完全吃光:The artist finished off his beautiful painting with a brilliant stroke.那画家用漂亮的一笔完成他那美丽的画作。2.杀死(老幼伤残动物);毁灭:A hunter finished off a severely wounded lion.一个猎人杀死一个严重受伤的狮子。




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