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短语 first and foremost
释义 first and foremost used to emphasize the most important quality, purpose, reason etc〔用于强调〕首先,首要的是:•Dublin is thought of first and foremost for its literary heritage.都柏林让人最先想到的是其文学遗产。 first and foremost most importantly; more than anything else 首要的是, 首先: Delhi was first and foremost a barracks town. 德里首先是一座兵营城。 ˌfirst and ˈforemostmore than anything else首要的是;首先He does a little teaching, but first and foremost he's a writer.他干一点教学,但首要的是写作。first and foremostas the first and principal thing 首先;最主要的是   * Our experiments are in comformity with the physical law, first and foremost with the Theory of Relativity. 我们的实验是符合自然法则的,首先是符合相对论。   * First and foremost, we have to consider the morality of the enterprise. 首先,我们应当考虑企业的道德问题。He who would be a good student must, first and foremost, study hard. 想当好学生,先要努力学   * First and foremost, the refugees needed food. 最重要的是,难民们需要食物。




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