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短语 Through
释义 Through Through      1.(指地方)穿过;贯穿;穿透:A gorgeous orchestra marched in step through the streets to the central square.一队豪华的乐队迈着整齐的步伐穿过街道向中心广场行进。/She thrust a thread through the hole of a needle.她把线穿过针孔。/A large dog broke through the fence and came into our courtyard.一只大狗钻过篱笆来到我们院中。/The carpenter bored some holes through a piece of wood.那木匠在一块木头上钻几个孔。/ He got an arrow through his leg.一支箭穿过他的腿部。2.(指时间)自始至终:A downpour lasted through the whole night,some rivers overflowed their banks at once.倾盆大雨下了一整夜,一些河流的河水立即溢出河岸。/Every morning students have to sit through a long lesson when their teacher teaches them professional skill.每天早晨学生们必须坐着听完很长的课程,听老师给他们讲职业技能。/ Perhaps the patient will not last through today.恐怕那病人活不过今天了。/ His noble character together with his immortal feats will be remembered through all ages.他的高贵品格连同他的不巧功勋将千秋万代永被纪念。/ They have lived in the mountain through long years.多年以来他们一直在山中生活。/Our excellent cultural tradition will last through generations.我们优秀的文化传统将世世代代永远延续。3.(指地方)到处;遍及;在……一带:Fragrance of various flowers diffused through the air in the quite and secluded valley.幽静的山谷中到处弥漫着各种花朵的芳香。/Hunters searched through the forest,trying to catch a fierce tiger.猎人们在森林中到处搜寻,试图捕捉一只凶恶的老虎。/ A thrill ran through her vein at the sight of the moving scene.看到这感人的景象,她感到一阵震颤。/ Deadly poison passed through his system and soon he lost his consciousness.烈性的毒药在他身体中蹿行,很快他就失去知觉。/ In order to enjoy the sunlit and enchanting scenery of spring,they made a sight-seeing tour through south China.为了领略明媚的春光,他们在江南一带作了一次观光旅行。4.经过;终了;完成:This patient has gone through a difficult operation.这个病人已经经受了一个难度很大的手术。/My friend has gone through college education and become a teacher.我的朋友已经读完大学课程,当了教师。/ He has come through many hardships and passed through rigorous trials.他经受了许多艰辛和经历了严峻的考验。/The fop soon got through the fortune his father had left to him.那纨袴子弟不久就把他父亲留下的财产花光。/ Many postgraduates passed through the examination and were bestowed doctorate.许多研究生通过了考试,被授予博士学位。5.表示手段、原因、动机:We constantly heard of you and your family through Mr. Jones.我们通过琼斯先生不断地听到你和你家人的情况。/ He obtained a high post in the company through his influential relative.他因亲戚的势力在公司里获得高位。/ Through his teacher’s help the youth succeeded in his design.由于老师的帮助,那青年在他的设计上取得了成功。/The accident happened through no fault of yours.那件事故不因你的过失而发生。/They do the work simply through curiosity.他们做这件工作只不过是出于好奇心。6.表示理由:He lost his place through neglect of duty.他玩忽职守被免职。/All his sorrows arose through the conduct of his son.他的悲伤全是他儿子的不良行为造成的。7.〈美〉(指时间)一直到并包括:They will stay at home from now on through New Year’s Day.从现在起一直到元旦他们将呆在家中。/That old lady recuperated in a seaside sanatorium from June through September last year.那位老太太去年从6月一直到9月在海滨疗养院疗养。◆本词也是副词,词义为:通过;一路;从头至尾;(电话)接通:You need not change train,your ticket will take you through to Paris.你不用换车,你的车票将使你一直坐到巴黎。/Our manager read the draft of a contract carefully through and made some revision.我们经理把一个合同的底稿从头至尾仔细看了一遍,做了一些修改。/ Please put me through to the director’s office.请将我的电话接通到主任办公室。◆本词也是形容词,词义为:直达的;通行的;完成:This is not a through coach to Tianjin,you have to change halfway.这不是开往天津的直达长途汽车,你半路上必须倒车。/ We cannot be through with our work till next Tuesday.我们要一直到下星期三才能完成我们的工作。




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