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短语 cut into
释义 cut into interrupt the course of 打断: Victoria's words cut into her thoughts. 维多利亚的话打断了她的思路。 cut into1. interrupt sth. (such as conversation) 打断;插嘴   * She didn't cut into the conversation but waited till they had finished speaking. 她并没有打断他们的谈话而是一直等到他们谈完为止。   * It is impolite of you to cut into the discussion in this way. 你这样打断别人的讨论是不礼貌的。2. reduce; use part of (sth. such as money, time) unwillingly from 减少;很不乐意地从…用去一部分(如钱、时间)   * “But that would cut into cut into our profit, ”he said. 他说:“那样会减少我们的利润。”   * No doubt the extra work to be assigned you will cut into your sparetime. 毫无疑问,安排给你的额外工作将会减少你的业余时间。   * This plan of yours cuts into our schedule rather badly. 你们的这个计划在我们的日程表里占去很多时间。   * I shall have to cut into my savings to pay for the holiday. 我将不得不从我的储蓄里拿出一部分钱来作为假期里的开支。cut into1.打断(讲话等):When we were talking in the street,a stranger cut into us and asked the way to a hotel.正当我们在大街上谈话时,一个陌生人打断我们的谈话,打听去旅馆的路。2.侵犯;妨碍:The police fined a driver because he stopped his truck in the middle of the road and cut into other vehicles to go through.警方对一个司机罚款,因为他把他的卡车停在马路中间,妨碍别的车辆通过。3.切开;割开:We are too thirsty so we buy a watermelon and cut into it at once.我们太渴了,所以买了一个西瓜,立刻把它切开。




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