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短语 on the spur of the moment
释义 on the spur of the moment suddenly, without any previous planning or thought一时冲动:•We would often decide what to play on the spur of the moment.我们经常是凭兴致临时决定要演奏什么。⇒SPUR-OF-THE-MOMENT on the spur of the moment on impulse; without planning in advance 凭一时冲动; 未经事先考虑: I don't generally do things on the spur of the moment 我通常不会不加考虑就去做什么事 [as modifier] a spur-of-the-moment decision. 一时冲动作出的决定。 on the ˌspur of the ˈmomentsuddenly, without planning in advance一时冲动之下;心血来潮I phoned him up on the spur of the moment.我一时心动,给他打了电话。a spur-of-the-moment decision心血来潮的决定on the spur of the moment1. in a sudden impulse 一时高兴或冲动   * He had not planned to take the trip; he just went on the spur of the moment. 他事先没有计划这趟旅行,只是一时高兴就走了。   * I've accepted the offer of a job abroad. I decided on the spur of the moment to go. 我已接受了国外的工作并决定马上就走。   * He acts on the spur of the moment. 他凭一时冲动行事。2. on the spot 当场;即席He can invent any number of excuses on the spur of the moment.   * 他能当场诌出许多托辞。   * Though quite unprepared, he was nevertheless able to sing a folk songon the spur of the moment. 尽管毫无准备,他还是能即席演唱一首民歌。on the spur of the moment一时冲动之下;不假思索地:When we deal with things,we should think thrice before we act and never take action on the spur of the moment.当我们处理事情时应当三思而后行,绝不要在一时冲动之下就行事。




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