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短语 hem and haw
释义 hem and haw AmEto keep pausing before saying something, and avoid saying it directly〔说话时〕吞吞吐吐,支支吾吾 hem and haw another way of saying HUM AND HAW (see HUM1). 同 HUM AND HAW (见HUM1). ˌhem and ˈhaw(NAmE)(BrEˌhum and ˈhaw)(informal)to take a long time to make a decision or before you say sth犹豫不决;支支吾吾;嗯嗯呃呃hem and haw1. pause or hesitate while speaking often with little throat noises 哼哼哈哈的不置可否;哼哈声   * He was a poor lecturer because he hemmed and hawed too much. 他不是个好的演讲者,因为他哼哼哈哈,停顿太多。2. avoid giving a direct and clear answer 避免作正面回答   * He hems and haws and comes out on both sides of every question. 他避免作正面回答而对每一问题都采取模棱两可的态度。




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