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短语 in the main
释义 in the main mostly大体上,基本上:•Their job in the main consisted of cleaning and maintaining the building.他们的工作主要是清洁和维修大厦。 in the main on the whole 总体上, 大体上。 in the ˈmainused to say that a statement is true in most cases大体上;基本上The service here is, in the main, reliable.这里的服务基本上是可靠的。SYNONYMS 同义词辨析mainmajorkeycentralprincipalchiefprimeThese words all describe sb/sth that is the largest or most important of its kind.以上各词均用以形容主要的、最重要的人或事物。▫ main[only before noun] largest or most important指主要的、最重要的:Be careful crossing the main road.过大马路时小心点。The main thing is to remain calm.最重要的是要保持冷静。▫ major[usually before noun] very large or important指主要的、重要的、大的:He played a major role in setting up the system.他对建立这个系统起了重要的作用。Majoris most often used afterawith a singular noun, or no article with a plural noun. When it is used withtheormy/your/his/her/our/theirit means ‘the largest or most important’.*major 最常用于不定冠词 a 之后,与单数名词连用;或不用冠词,与复数名词连用。major 与 the 或 my/your/his/her/our/their 连用时意为最主要的、最重要的:Our major concern here is combatting poverty.在这里我们最关心的是解决贫穷问题。In this meaning it is only used to talk about ideas or worries that people have, not physical things, and it is also more formal thanmain.在该含义中 major 只用以指人的想法或担忧,而非物质的东西,且较 main 正式:Be careful crossing the major road.The major thing is to remain calm.▫ key[usually before noun] most important; essential指最重要的、主要的、关键的:He was a key figure in the campaign.他是这场运动的关键人物。Keyis used most frequently in business and political contexts. It can be used to talk about ideas, or the part that sb plays in a situation, but not physical things. It is slightly more informal thanmajor,especially when used after a noun and linking verb.*key 最常用于商务和政治语境,可用以指想法或某人在某情势下起的作用,而非物质的东西。key 较 major 稍非正式,用于名词加连系动词后尤其如此:Speed is key at this point.在这个时候速度是关键。▫ central(rather formal) most important.指最重要的、首要的、主要的:The central issue is that of widespread racism.最重要的问题是种族主义泛滥。Centralis used in a similar way tokey,but is more formal. It is most frequently used in the phrasesth is central to sth else.*central 与 key 用法相似,但更正式,最常用于 be central to 短语中。▫ principal[only before noun] (rather formal) most important指最重要的、主要的:The principal reason for this omission is lack of time.略过这个的主要原因是时间不足。Principalis mostly used for statements of fact about which there can be no argument. To state an opinion, or to try to persuade sb of the facts as you see them, it is more usual to usekeyorcentral.*principal 主要用于陈述无可争辩的事实。表明意见或说服别人相信你所见到的事实,较常用 key 或 central:The key/central issue here is…这里的关键问题是…▫ chief[only before noun] (rather formal) most important指最重要的、首要的、主要的:Unemployment was the chief cause of poverty.失业是贫穷的主要原因。▫ prime[only before noun] (rather formal) most important; to be considered first指主要的、首要的:My prime concern is to protect my property.我最关心的是保护自己的财产。PATTERNSa/the main/major/key/central/principal/chief/primeaim/concerna/the main/major/principalroad/town/citythe main/keythingis to…to beofmajor/key/central/primeimportancein the mainin most cases 大体上;多数情况下;基本上;主要   * What he has said conforms in the main to facts. 他所讲的基本上符合事实。   * The letters were in the main from my old classmates. 这些信件主要是我老同学写来的。   * In the main, the students did well on the test. 总的说来,学生们考得不错。   * The results are in the main satis factory. 结果总的来说是满意的。in the main大体上;从整体看来:In the main,the third-world countries are abundant in natural resources but inferior in science and technique.从整体看来,第三世界国家自然资源丰富,但科学技术较差。




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