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短语 rather than
释义 rather than instead of而不是:•I think you'd call it a lecture rather than a talk.我说啊,这是训斥,不是谈话。•Rather than go straight on to university why not get some work experience first?与其直接上大学,为什么不先取得一点工作经验呢?•Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the new rules.布赖森决定辞职,不去接受新的规定。rather thaninstead of sb/sth而不是I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙?rather thanmore willingly…than; instead of 宁可…也不;而不   * The dictator relied on abuse of his opponents rather than on sound reasoning. 那个独裁者对他的反对者宁可大骂也不愿采取说理的办法。




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