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palm1[pɑ:m]- n.
- 【植物】棕榈树(Palmae)
- 棕榈叶 (或枝)(常作为胜利的象征)
- 胜利;凯旋
- (军功章上的)棕榈叶状荣誉标志
- (代替棕榈树枝的)庆贺树枝
- adj.
- 短语:
- bear (或 carry off, take) the palm 得胜;获奖;得到莫大荣誉;博得无上荣誉;出人头地
- give the palm to =yield the palm to
- yield the palm to 认输(给某人),承认被(某人)打败;承认不如…好
palm2[pɑ:m]- n.
- 手掌,手心
- (手套等的)掌部
- (四足动物的)前足掌
- 掌尺(以手掌宽度 3~4 英寸或长度 7~9 英寸为尺)
- 鹿角的扁平部
- 掌状物;桨叶;轮叶;锚掌;锚爪
- (缝纫时顶针用的)托掌;掌皮
- vt.
- 把…藏在手掌内:
The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from a boy's mouth. 魔术师把硬币藏在掌中,然后突然从一个男孩的嘴里把它变出来。 - 用手掌抚摩;与…握手:
The peasant is palming his wrinkled face. 老农抚摩着起皱纹的脸。 - (用欺骗手段)把…硬塞给:
He shouldn't palm such stuff on you. 他不应该把这样的东西塞给你。 - 【篮球】(运球时球在手中有停顿现象)犯规
- 顺手偷走:
The thief palmed a book in a bookstore. 小偷在书店顺手偷走了一本书。 - 向…行贿,收买
- 短语:
- cross one's palm
- (用钱币)在某人手心划十字(尤指把钱币付给算命者)
- 付钱(贿赂某人),给某人钱;悄悄行贿 [亦作 cross someone's palm (或 hand) with silver (或 coin, a piece of money)]
- cross someone's palm = grease someone's palm
- grease (或 oil, tickle) someone's palm
- 买通某人,贿赂(或收买)某人,向某人行贿
- 付小费;给酒钱 [亦作 grease the palm of someone]
- have an itchy (或 itching) palm [口语]贪财,贪贿[莎士比亚语]
- have…in the palm of one's hand 完全控制;把…攥在手心里
- hold someone in the palm of one's hand 把某人置于掌握之中,控制某人
- know something (或 someone) like the palm of one's hand 对某事(或某人)知道得很清楚,了如指掌
- oil someone's palm 买通某人,贿赂(或收买)某人;向某人行贿 (= grease someone's palm)
- tickle someone's palm = grease someone's palm