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短语 come out
释义 come out 1. if something comes out, it is removed from a place〔从某处〕移掉,去掉:•These stains will never come out!这些污迹永远也去不掉了!2. if information comes out, people learn about it, especially after it has been kept secret〔尤指被保密的信息〕被人所知,泄露:•No doubt the truth will come out one day.毫无疑问总有一天会真相大白。•It's come out that several ministers received payments from the company.真相被揭露出来了,几名部长接受了那家公司的报酬。3. if a photograph comes out, it shows a clear picture〔照片〕清楚地冲洗出来:•I took some photographs, but they didn't come out.我拍了一些照片,但冲洗出来效果不好。•The wedding photos have come out really well.婚礼的照片冲印出来效果很好。4. if a book, record etc comes out, it becomes publicly available〔书、唱片等〕推出,发行:•When is the new edition coming out?新版什么时候出版?5. if something comes out in a particular way, that is what it is like after it has been made or produced结果为,制造成〔某种样子〕:•I've made a cake, but it hasn't come out very well.我做了个蛋糕,但做得不是很好。•The cover has come out a bit too big.罩子做得太大了一点。6. if something you say comes out in a particular way, that is how it sounds or how it is understood〔言语以某种方式〕被说出:•His words came out as little more than a whisper.他的话就像是耳语。•That didn't come out the way I meant it to.那不是我原先想说的意思。•I tried to explain everything to her, but it came out all wrong (=not in the way I intended) .我想把一切都对她解释清楚,但说出来以后完全不是原来的意思了。7. if someone comes out in a particular way, that is the situation they are in at the end of an event or series of events结果,结局:•The more experienced team came out on top.经验更丰富的球队排名最高。[+ of ]•She came out of the divorce quite well.她顺利地挺过了离婚这一关。8. to be easy to notice显现,显出:•His right-wing opinions come out quite strongly in his later writings.他的右翼观点在他后来的文章里非常明显。9. to say publicly that you strongly support or oppose a plan, belief etc公开表示〔赞同或反对的〕观点:[+ in favour of ]•The board of directors has come out in favour of a merger.董事会已经表示支持合并。[+ against ]•Teachers have come out against the proposed changes.教师对于提议的这些变革表示反对。•At least he's got the courage to come out and say what he thinks.至少他有勇气公开说出自己的想法。10. if the sun, moon, or stars come out, they appear in the sky〔太阳、月亮或星辰〕出现,显现:•The sky cleared and the sun came out.天空变晴,太阳出来了。11. if a flower comes out, it opens〔花朵〕开放:•The snowdrops were just starting to come out.雪花莲刚开始开放。12. if someone comes out, they say that they are gay when this was a secret before承认自己是同性恋:[+ to ]•That summer, I decided to come out to my parents.那年夏天,我决定对父母说自己是同性恋。13. BrE informalto refuse to work, as a protest罢工:•Nurses have threatened to come out in support of their pay claim.护士们威胁说要以罢工来支持她们的加薪要求。•We decided to come out on strike .我们决定举行罢工。14. if a young woman came out in the past, she was formally introduced into upper class society at a large formal dance〔指女孩通过舞会〕正式进入上流社会社交界 come out 1. (of a fact) emerge; become known (事实)显现, 暴露; (真相)大白: it came out that the accused had illegally registered to vote. 被告被发现非法登记投票。 ■  happen as a result 作为结果发生; 由…导致: something good can come out of something that went wrong. 坏事也能带来好结果。 ■  (of a photograph) be produced satisfactorily or in a specified way (照片)照得好; 显得: I hope my photographs come out all right. 我希望我的照片照得好。 ■  be satisfactorily visible in a photograph or present in a specified way 上照; 显得出色。 ■  (of the result of a calculation or measurement) emerge at a specified figure (计算、测量的结果)达, 计; 得出, 被算出: rough cider usually comes out at about eight per cent alcohol. 烈性苹果酒通常含百分之八的酒精量。 ■  (of patience or a similar card game) be played to a finish with all cards dealt with (单人纸牌戏, 其他相似纸牌戏)结束时所有牌都接通。 2. (of a book or other work) appear; be released or published (书, 其他作品)出版; 发表。 3. declare oneself as being for or against something 宣称支持(或反对): residents have come out against the proposals. 居民们已宣布反对这些提议。 4. [with complement] achieve a specified placing in an examination or contest (在考试、竞赛中)得名次: he deservedly came out the winner on points 在比分上, 他是理所当然的胜利者 she came out victorious. 她获得了胜利。 ■  acquit oneself in a specified way 表现; 行为: surprisingly, it's Penn who comes out best. 令人惊讶的是佩恩表现得最好。 5. (of a stain) be removed or able to be removed. (污迹)(能)被除去。 6. Brit. go on strike 〈英〉罢工。 7. informal openly declare that one is homosexual 〈非正式〉公开同性恋身份。 8. Brit. dated (of a young upper-class woman) make one's debut in society 〈英, 旧〉(上流社会的年轻妇女)初次进入社交界。 ˌcome ˈout1when the sun, moon or starscome out,they appear(太阳、月亮或星星)出现,露出The rain stopped and the sun came out.雨停后太阳出来了。2(of flowers花朵)to open盛开;开花The daffodils came out early this year.水仙花今年开得早。3to be produced or published出版;发行;发表When is her new novel coming out?她的新小说何时出版?4(of news, the truth, etc.消息、真相等)to become known被获知;为人所知The full story came out at the trial.案情始末在审判时真相大白。it comes out that…It came out that he'd been telling lies.后来才知道他一直在说谎。5if a photographcomes out,it is a clear picture when it is developed and printed(照片)冲洗(或洗印)清楚The photos from our trip didn't come out.我们旅行的照片冲洗的效果不好。6to be shown clearly显示;显出Her best qualities come out in a crisis.她的优秀品质在危难之中显示了出来。7when wordscome out,they are spoken说出;讲出I tried to say ‘I love you,’ but the words wouldn't come out.我想说“我爱你”,但这话怎么也说不出口。8to say publicly whether you agree or disagree with sth公开表明(同意或不同意)He came out against the plan.他公开表示反对这个计划。In her speech, the senator came out in favour of a change in the law.这位参议员在她的讲话中公开赞成修改法律。9(BrE)to stop work and go on strike罢工10to no longer hide the fact that you arehomosexual不再隐瞒自己是同性恋者的事实;公开表明自己是同性恋者11(of a youngupper-classgirl, especially in the past尤指旧时上层社会的少女)to be formally introduced into society(经正式介绍)初入社交界come out1. move outside; emerge; appear 出来;出现   * The sun came out from behind the clouds late in the afternoon. 傍晚时分,太阳从云层后面露了出来。2. open into full bloom (of flowers) 开花   * Some flowers have begun to come out in early spring. 早春时节,有些花已经开放了。   * The roses will come out next week. 玫瑰下周就要开花。3. become clear or known; be discovered 明了;被获知;被发现;披露   * The truth will come out at the enquiry. 调查一下,真相就会大白的。   * The secret will finally come out. 这个秘密终究要被人知道的。4. be published 被出版   * When does the new book come out? 这本书何时出版?   * The Communist Manifesto first came out in 1848. 《共产党宣言》于1848年首次发表。   * That magazine comes out once a month. 那个杂志每月出一期。5. reach a result 结果是   * Please tell me how the voting came out. 请告诉我选举结果如何。6. reach a total; amount to a sum 总计   * The total income comes out at 5, 000yuan. 总收入达5000元。7. go on strike 罢工   * When their demands were rejected by their boss, the workers again came out. 工人们的合理要求被拒绝后,又举行了罢工。   * The men have come out (on strike) for more pay. 人们为增加工资而罢工。8. (stains, etc.) fade; vanish; disappear(污迹等)褪去;去掉   * I don't think these stains are going to come out. 我想这些污迹是洗不掉的。9. (a photo, etc.) be developed (照片等)洗出来;照出来   * He always comes out well in photography. 他照像总是很上像。come out with1. put forward (a proposal, suggestion, etc.); make a statement; say 提出(建议等);说出   * There was silence for a few minutes, then he came out with a very good suggestion. 冷场了几分钟后他提出了非常好的建议。   * After some hesitation he came out with the truth. 他犹豫了一阵子后说出了事情的真相。   * He often comes out with funny ideas. 他常常提出一些有趣的想法。2. put on the market; publish 投放市场;出版   * The company has come out with three new models. 那家公司已向市场投放3种新型号的产品。   * They are going to come out with a great, new, dictionary next year. 明年他们将出版一本大型的新词典。come out1.出现;出来:After rain,clouds begin to melt away and the sun comes out.雨过以后,云彩开始消散,太阳出来了。2.出版;刊行:A new breathtaking detective novel has come out,people vie with one another for buying and reading it.一部新的惊险侦探小说出版了,人们竞相购买和阅读。3.(真相)大白;(结局)出现:It came out at last that all the benefactions were done by a charitable old lady.真相终于大白,所有这些善举都是一位慈善的老太太做的。4.初入交际场所(指妇女):Immediately after she came out,she became a star in the limelight.她一进入交际场所,立即变成引人注目的明星。5.(照片上)显露:Nancy comes out well in her photo,she looks beautiful all the more.南希的照片照得很好,她显得更加美丽。




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