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短语 To
释义 To To      1.表示运动的方向:a.含有到达之意:Many people went to the seashore for their summer holidays.许多人到海滨去度暑假。/ Vehicles and pedestrians should all keep to the right.车辆行人一律靠右行。/They will be off to Shanghai tomorrow.他们明天将去上海。b.不含有到达之意:Birds fly to the south to avoid the cold winter of north China.小鸟们向南飞去以躲避华北的寒冬。/Some people went from south to north and some others went from north to south,no one knew what they were about.一些人自南向北行,另一些人自北向南行,没有人知道他们是干什么。2.表示状态、境遇的变化方向:Through lifelong struggle,the man rose to high position and great wealth in his old age.经过毕生奋斗,那人在老年时登上荣华富贵的境地。/If we work hard,our situation will turn from better to best.如果我们努力,我们的情况会变得越来越好。/Owing to his evil doing,the person will come to a bad end.由于作恶,那人将落得一个坏下场。/He was diligent in the past,but now he tends to laziness.他过去很勤勉,但现在越来越懒。/ Mother sang her baby to sleep.母亲给她的婴儿唱歌,使他入睡。3.表示到达点、程度、范围:The situation has developed to a critical point,something important will happen.局势已经发展到紧要关头,重要的事情将要发生。/He is angry to such a degree that he even loses his reason.他几乎气得要失去理智。/ Mr. Smith is an Englishman to the core,he has every characteristic that an Englishman has.史密斯先生是个彻头彻尾的英国人,英国人所具有的每一个特性他都具有。/ He has been caught in the rain and become wet to the skin.他被雨淋了,浑身湿透。/They are sick of me to death.他们烦我烦得要死。4.表示接触或紧靠:Birds feed their young with worms mouth to mouth.小鸟嘴对嘴喂它们幼雏小虫子。/These two friends sat together and had a heart-to-heart talk.这两个朋友坐在一起促膝谈心。/When I washed my face,I applied plenty of soap to the towel.我洗脸时,在毛巾上打上许多肥皂。5.表示时间的终点:That old man was conscious to his last moment.那位老人到临终时,意志一直清醒。/They all work diligently from morning to night.他们从早到晚勤劳工作。/We stay there to the last of the meeting.我们留在那里一直到会议结束。/ Our train reached that station at a quarter to five and started at ten to five.我们所乘列车四点三刻到那个车站,四点五十分开出。/Students study from Monday to Saturday and rest on Sunday.学生们从星期一到星期六学习,星期日休息。6.表示目的、预定:Mr White was born to fortune,so he enjoyed honour and wealth all his life.怀特先生命运好,所以一辈子荣华富贵。/ He was brought up to joinery at a wooden furniture shop.他在一家木器店被培养做木工手艺。/We were out to work when they visited us.当他们访问我们时,我们出去工作去了。/The works of that poor poet are doomed to oblivion,for no one would pay any attention to an unimportant person like him.那位穷诗人的作品注定要湮没无闻,因为没有人会注意像他那样的小人物。/When our car broke down on the way,a passing motorist came to our help.当我们的汽车在中途抛锚时,一位路过的驾车者来帮我们的忙。/ Daisy is a fortunate girl,each time she is in trouble,her friends will come to her rescue.黛西是个幸运的姑娘,每当她遇见麻烦事时,她的朋友们就来解救。7.表示结果、效果:Mother chopped the meat to little cubes to cook delicious dishes for her children.妈妈把肉切成小肉丁以便给她的孩子们做美味的佳肴。/ He often helped others enthusiastically,that added to his credit.他时常热心帮助别人,因而增添了声誉。/ To her delight,her son was admitted to a famous university.使她高兴的是,她的儿子被一个著名的大学录取。/A cup slipped from his hand and broke to pieces on the ground.一个茶杯从他手中滑落,在地上摔得粉碎。/To our surprise,we have not seen the little boy for only a few days but he has become so thick-skinned.使我们吃惊的是,几天没见到那个小男孩,他竟变得如此厚脸皮。/ Her story is so sad that we are all moved to tears.她的事情如此悲惨,我们听了都感动得落了泪。8.作为(等于as):That young man has a rich lady to his foster mother.那个青年有一位有钱的妇女作他的养母。/Through someone’s introduction,the scientist hired a clever young man to his assistant.经人介绍,那科学家雇用了一个聪明的青年作他的助手。9.表示对立、相向:Two large oxen got angry and dashed against each other horn to horn.两头大公牛发怒了,用它们的角互相顶撞。/ Two children sat back to back,singing nursery rhymes.两个儿童背对背坐着唱童谣。/Kindness is opposed to wickedness just as white is opposed to black.善良与邪恶相反恰似白色与黑色相反。/They stared at each other face to face,making no movement and uttering no word.他们脸对脸地互相凝视,一动也不动,一句话也不说。10.表示适合、一致:His expenses correspond to his income.他的花费与他的收入相适合。/ Mother agreed to her daughter’s marriage with a kind and honest young man.母亲同意她的女儿跟一位善良忠厚的青年结婚。/ Both the buyer and the seller should act according to their agreement.买卖双方都应当按照他们的协议行事。/ These goods are all made to order.这些货物都是定做的。/This youth is very glad that he has got a job to his speciality.这个青年非常高兴,因为他已经获得一个适合于他专长的工作。11.表示比较、对比:Cars and trucks are quite fast to vehicles drawn by man or beast.跟人畜拉的车相比,汽车和卡车快多了。/All conventional weapons are merely toys to nuclear weapons.与原子武器相比,常规武器仅不过是儿童玩具而己。/ As compared with their team,our strength is five to one.与他们队相比,我们的实力是五对一。/ Ten is to one as a thousand is to a hundred.十与一之比就等于一千与一百之比。12.表示添加、附加:If you add infinitesimal to infinitesimal,the result is still the same.如果你把无穷小加到无穷小上,其结果仍然是无穷小。/You should not put salt to sugar,that will taste badly.你不要把食盐加到糖中,那将不是滋味。/ In addition to his superior ability,the youth has a handsome appearance.那青年除具有高超的能力以外,他还有英俊的仪表。/ We give him some money to what he has already had.除去他原有的钱以外,我们另外又给了他一些钱。13.表示附属、所有:We should study hard,for there is no end to learning.我们应当努力学习,因为学问没有止境。/You should ponder deeply over the article,there is a moral to it.你要对这篇文章深思,它含有寓意的教训在内。/This is the only key to the lock,don’t lose it.这是这把锁的惟一一把钥匙,不要把它丢失。/She is music-teacher to the princess.她是公主的音乐教师。/The socalled millionaire has not a shilling to his name.那所谓的百万富翁的名下没有分文。14.表示伴随:We sang the song to a new tune today.今天我们和着新调子唱这首歌。/A Gypsy youth danced to the music desolately.一个吉卜赛青年凄凉地伴随音乐舞蹈。15.表示执着、结合:Grandma adhered to the traditional custom and held a memorial ceremony for ancestors.祖母坚守旧俗,祭奠祖先。/No blame attaches to the unconscious doer of wrong.不知情而犯错者不怪罪。/ Clouds cling to the summits of mountains,there will be a heavy rain.云彩紧贴山巅,天将下大雨。/He joined himself to an academic institute to go on his study.他参加一个学术机构以便继续研究。/ They bound him with a rope and fastened the rope to a post.他们用绳子把他捆绑,并把绳子系在柱子上。16. 对于;关于(等于about):Do you know what he will say to it? 你知道关于这件事他将要说什么吗? /They are very kind to the poor and wretched people.他们对于贫苦人非常和善。/ His doctor told him that the remedy would do good to his health.他的医生告诉他这药将对增进他的健康起作用。/We are eager to know what is their answer to our request.我们非常想知道他们对于我们的要求有何答复。17.表示行为、权利、反应等的对象:We should never forget our duty to the poor and wretched.我们绝不应该忘记我们对贫苦人的义务。/ Any disobedience to morality is intolerable and should be subjected to punishment.任何违反道德的行为都是不能容忍的并且应当受到惩罚。/The man gave up all claims and titles to his name of his own accord.那人甘愿放弃所有属于他名下应得的权利和资格。/ After the millionaire’s death,all his property was left to his only son.那百万富翁死了以后,他的全部财产都留给了他的独生子。/When the old teacher teaches his lesson,all his student pay attention to him.那位老教师讲课时,他的所有学生都注意听讲。/The shopkeeper asked his shop-assistants to attend to customers politely and warmly.那位商店主人要求他的店员们有礼貌地和热情地招待顾客。18.表示承认、赌誓、证明的对象:That young man will be excused,for he has confessed to his mistake and feels remorse for it.那个青年将被宽恕,因为他承认了自己的错误并感到悔恨。/Being despised by his relatives and friends,the man swore to a miracle.由于被他的亲朋们看不起,那人发誓一定要做出奇迹来。/I think that’s a fact to which I can speak.我认为那是一件我可以说说的事。/All his neighbours want to bear witness to his innocence.他的所有邻居都要为他的清白作证。19.表示形容词的适用范围、方向:These terms are fair and reasonable,so they are acceptable to us.这些条件公平合理,所以我们能够接受。/ You might have been accustomed to this,but it is new to me.你可能对这种事已经习惯了,但它对我是新的。/ Our house is adjacent to a garden.我们的房舍毗邻一个花园。/This question needs no explanation,it is apparent to anyone.这问题不用解释,任何人一看都清楚。/You can rest assured,he is equal to the occasion.请你放心,他能应付这局势。/ That man is generous to everyone,so he has made many friends.那人对任何人都慷慨仗义,所以他交了许多朋友。20.表示动词的间接宾语:give the book to George给乔治这本书;tell stories to the children给孩子们讲故事;bring tea to her parents给她的父母倒茶;show homework to his teacher给他的老师看看作业。◆本词又是副词,词义为:达到常态,特别是停止闭锁的状态:Push the door to.把门关好。/The captain brought the ship to.船长命令轮船停止前进。/That old man has come to.那位老人已经苏醒了。/ I can’t get the lid of my trunk quite to.我的皮箱盖出毛病了,它不能盖严。◆本词又是小品词,加于动词原形之前,作成不定式(作主语)To err is human,to forgive is divine.犯错是人之难免,宽恕别人则是神圣的。/It’s wrong to consider everyone and everything beneath one’s notice.目空一切是错误的。/(作宾语)I hate to have wronged you.我冤枉了你感到很后悔。/The old sailor began to narrate his adventure.老海员开始叙述他的奇遇。/ (作表语)The naughty child is to blame.那淘气孩子该受责备。/ He seems to agree with us.他似乎同意我们的意见。/(作定语)a house to let房屋出租;the first to come第一个到;have nothing to do无事可做;the book to read要念的书;the chair to sit in要坐的椅子;the boy to be praised要受夸奖的男孩。/(作状语)good to eat吃起来很好;sorry to hear it听到这事感到很遗憾;glad to meet you遇到你很高兴;come to see him来看望他;sit down to have a rest坐下来休息一下;wise enough to know聪明到能够知晓(某事)。 -and-fro 往复的;来回的:Toand-fro swings of a pendulum cause the clock’s hands to move on.钟表的摆来回摆动,使得表针向前移动。




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