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短语 make up for lost time
释义 make up for lost timea. to work more quickly, or at times when you do not usually work, because something has prevented you from doing the work before补偿失去的时间:•We rehearsed all day Saturday, to make up for lost time.我们星期六排练了一整天,以补回失去的时间。b. to do a lot of something in an eager way because you have not had a chance to do it before补偿〔早先应做而未做的事〕:•Palm didn't travel much as a young man but he's certainly made up for lost time now.帕姆年轻时旅游不多,但他现在显然已经补上了失去的时间。 make up for lost time do something faster or more often in order to compensate for not having done it quickly or often enough before 赶进度, 补回损失的时间。 make up for lost ˈtimeto do sth quickly or very often because you wish you had started doing it sooner(加快或加紧做某事以)弥补失去的时间make up for lost time补回失去的时间:Alice has been on sick leave for half a month,she must work hard to make up for her lost time.爱丽丝因病请了半个月的假,她必须努力用功以补回她失去的时间。




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