释义 |
pound1[paund]- n.
- 磅(重量单位,常衡磅时等于16盎司,合0.454公斤;金衡磅时等于12盎司,合0.373公斤) [略作lb]
- 英镑(英国货币单位)[简写£,全称pound sterling]
- 镑(爱尔兰、以色列等国的货币单位)[简写£]
- 【圣经】 =mina1
- vt.
- 短语:
- a pound of flesh (源于莎士比亚剧本《威尼斯商人》)合法但极不合理的要求;要求偿还一磅肉
- a pound to a penny [口语]很有可能;十之八九
- by the pound 按每磅(计价)
- get one's pound's worth [口语]花钱划得来
- have (或claim,demand) one's pound of flesh 无情的索债,逼人还债(莎士比亚语)
- in for a penny, in for a pound 见penny
- in the pound 每磅(贴水多少)
- Job's pound 监狱;感化院
- Mischief comes by pounds and goes away by ounces. 祸害易来不易去。
- pay twenty shillings in the pound 全数付清
- penny wise and pound foolish 见penny
- pound for (and)pound 均等地
- pound of flesh 分文不能短少的债务,勒逼偿还的全部债务;虽合法还极不合情理的要求(莎士比亚语)
- pounds, shillings, and pence
- 金钱 [略作L.S.D., 拉丁语亦作 librae, solidi,denarii]
- 金钱上的;现实的[常作pounds-shillings-and-pence]
pound2[paund]- vt.
- 捣碎;舂烂;碾碎:
The farmers pound rice in a mortar. 农民们在臼中舂米。 - 猛烈袭击;向…猛打:
Three typhoons in a month pounded the city. 在一个月里台风三次袭击这座城市。 - 重敲;冬冬地打:
The boy pounded the nails into the board. 男孩冬冬冬地把钉子敲进木板。 - (不断重复地)灌输;强迫吸取:
This truth is being pounded home to them. 正在不断地使他们理解这个道理。 - 打出(路);捣毁:
He pounded his way through the masses. 他左冲右撞冲出乱哄哄的人群。 - 敲击出:
Who is pounding the piano? 谁在砰砰砰地乱弹钢琴? - (沉重地)沿着…行走;持续地沿着…行走:
The young man pounded the pavement looking for a job. 这位年轻人踯躅街头寻找工作。
- vi.
- 重打;重敲(at或on):
Someone is pounding at the back door with a heavy stick. 有人在用粗棍子猛敲后门。 - 脚步沉重地走(或跑);重步前进:
The runaway cattle pounded down the hill. 失去控制的牛群嗵嗵嗵地直往山下狂奔。 - (驾舟时)拍打(水面);接连不断地打:
The storm waves pounded against the rocks. 暴风雨的风浪冲击着岩石。 - (心脏、脉搏等)跳动;悸动:
Her heart pounded with excitement. 她的心激动得怦怦直跳。 - (持续地)苦干:
He always keeps pounding away at his work. 他经常持续地努力工作。 - 连续猛击,接连不断地开炮:
The heavy guns pounded away at the walls of the fort. 重炮对堡垒的墙体不停地轰击。 - 击出响声,发出(反复的)重击声:
The engine was pounding. 发动机发出锤击响声。
- n.
- 敲打;捣碎;袭击
- 沉重的敲击;重击
- 重击声;敲打的声音
- 圈网
- 近义词:
beat - 短语:
- pound a beat (警察)在某一地区巡逻
- pound home to 把(道理等)反复灌输给…
- pound one's ear [美国俚语]睡觉
- pound the pavements
pound3[paund]- n.
- (收留迷失牲畜的)兽栏;(走失牲畜的)待领场
- (放置待赎物品的)待赎所;(警方的)扣押汽车场
- 牲畜栏;(囚禁野兽的)围栅
- 拘留所;监禁处
- (捕鱼或养鱼的)鱼塘;养龙虾池;鲜活龙虾出售处
- (打猎时的危险地位)
- [方言]积水
- vt.
- [古语]把(牲畜)关在栏内:
to pound the field 设栅栏使牲畜跳不过去 - [比喻]拘留,监禁, 扣押
- [古语]筑坝拦(水)