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短语 out of it
释义 out of it informal 〈非正式〉 1. not included; rejected 局外的; 被拒的, 未被邀请的: I hate feeling out of it. 我不喜欢感到是局外人。 2. unaware of what is happening as a result of being uninformed 不知情的, 未被告知的。 ■  unable to think or react properly, especially as a result of taking drugs or drinking too much alcohol (尤指吸毒或酗酒后)神志不清的, 反应失常的 。 ˈout of it(informal)1sad because you are not included in sth(觉得自己是外人而)不是味儿We've only just moved here so we feel a little out of it.我们刚搬到这里,所以心里觉得有点不适应。2not aware of what is happening, usually because of drinking too much alcohol, or taking drugs(因酒或药物作用而对周围事情)茫然不觉,昏昏然




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