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短语 Towards((美)toward)
释义 Towards((美)toward) Towards((美)toward)      1.朝着……的方向;向着;往:The exploration team marched towards a primeval forest to study the animals and plants in it.探险队向一个原始森林前进,以便研究森林中的动植物情况。/ Tourists went towards a scenic spot to admire beautiful scenery.旅游者们向一个风景优美的地方走去以观赏美丽风景。/ His window opened towards the sea so that he might see terrifying waves in the morning and evening.他的窗户面向大海,晨昏时可以观看惊涛骇浪。2.(指时间、数量)接近;将近:Grandpa is towards ninety but he is still nimble in mind and action.祖父已经年近九旬,然而思路和行动仍然敏捷。/Children,towards a hundred in number,are playing on the playground.有将近100个孩子们在操场上游戏。/ Our country will surely become prosperous and strong towards the end of this century.到本世纪末时我们国家一定变得繁荣强盛。3.对于;关于:I want to make clear their attitude towards this problem.我想弄清他们对这个问题的态度。/His feelings towards us are kind and sincere.他对于我们感到很亲切真诚。/They felt animosity towards us for certain reasons.由于某些原因他们对我们表现出仇视。4.为了;以便:His parents tried to save some money towards his education.他的父母为了他的教育设法存一些钱。/We would not spend the money,it goes towards the debt.我们不动用这笔钱,它是为了还债的。




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